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1、考研英语一林口县2023年巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)View life from new anglesWhen I was 14, life felt dull and boring. The high school I went to had over a thousand studen

2、ts, I didnt really 1 to notice the differences between us all.Butth is dull view of mine 2 when my parents bought me a camera for 3 Even though I didnt 4 the first thing about photography, I dived headfirst into the medium. It was after a month of playing with my new camera when I realized I had no

3、5 for taking pictures. My photos were clearly 6 something of importance and lacked 7 . After a while, I became so 8 with my lack of artistic talent that I quit my new hobby.During the summer break, I suddenly decided to pick it 9 again. I went for a walk on the railroad track behind my house. Surpri

4、singly, this walk on the tracks was 10 began my love for photography. When I was walking on the train tracks 11 a model to photograph and only 12 around me, I 13 how important it was to look at the details of things. I didnt worry about trying to create something beautiful. Instead, I just 14 photos

5、 of the beauty already around me. I quickly became 15 to color, lighting, shape, shading and everything in between. After months of studying outdoor 16 , I was finally ab le to create beauty of my ow n and my work has been 17 in two small magazines.Slowly, my photos became something I was 18 of. The

6、yre not masterpieces, but theyre important to me. And theyre signs of how much my artistic abilities have 19 : I went from zero artistic talent to being published. 20 this Christmas gift from my parents, I now have a new way of looking at the world.1、Afail Bdare Ccare Dpretend2、Achanged Boccurred Ca

7、ppeared Dcollapsed3、Abirthday Bfun CChristmas Dpractice4、Arecognize Bread Cforget Dknow5、Atalent Bmood Cpassion Dtime6、Amissing Bemphasizing Cexaggerating Dexpressing7、Aspace Bfreshness Ccolor Dtechnique8、Apopular Bfamiliar Ccross Dopen9、Aout Boff Cover Dup10、Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dw here11、Awith Bbefo

8、re Cafter Dwithout12、Aphotos Btrains Cnature Dsunshine13、Aconcluded Brealized Cremembered Dquestioned14、Acaptured Bstudied Cignored Dfeatured15、Aused Bdetermined Cconnected Daddicted16、Ascenes Bsports Cmaterials Dactivities17、Aadvertised Bpublished Ccovered Dtested18、Aashamed Btired Cproud Dfond19、A

9、gone Bfaded Ckept Dgrow n20、AIn spite of BOwing to CCompared with DIn addition toSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 11、What is the advant

10、age of Fineways new food labels?AThey provide extra nutritional information.BThey warn customers about unhealthy foods.CThey show different customers nutritional needs.DThey remind customers of the harm of unbalanced nutrition.2、According to the passage, the new labelling system can help to _.Areduc

11、e the amount of food you takeBfollow GDAs by mixing various foodsCmake your choice of more delicious foodDsatisfy the growing demands for nutrition3、Where is the passage most probably taken from?AA dinner menu.BA research report.CA fashion magazine.DAn advice brochure.Text 2 Chinese fashion designer

12、 Wang Tao released her fall-winter 2019 collection in New York on February 9, the tenth time her brand, Taoray Wang, has been featured at the New York Fashion Week.Sitting on the front row of the show were U. S. President Donald Trumps youngest daughter Tiffany Trump with her mother Marla Maples, as

13、 well as former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle.Tiffany Trump, a fan of Taoray Wang, wore a custom made white double-breasted coat by Wang to her fathers inauguration(就职典礼)ceremony in January 2017.Wangs latest collection, Eternity, is partly inspired by Tiffany Trump. In this collection, Wang combi

14、nes the unconventional beauty of the 1970s,represented by famous American model Lauren Hutton and the female look favored by people such as Tiffany Trump.The two women are from in two different age groups with two different styles but both are confident and brave, said Wang while attending her show in Manhattan. “Beauty is not about time or age. Its all about attitude.Along with Chinas growing economic strength, Chinese fashion has gradually gained worldwide attention, said Wang, adding that only when more and more foreigners wear clothes designed by Chinese peop


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