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1、考研英语一河南省信阳市淮滨县2023年高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I went to the store to get some balloons and wrapping paper for a present for my daughters birthday. I went to st

2、and in line and saw a lady trying to get her kids to come to the register, 1 them as they were taking their time picking out something. I 2 to let her go before me, but she 3 declined. She tried again to get her two children to get a move on. I could hear the 4 in her voice. 5 I was paying for my it

3、ems, I asked the 6 if she could hold my balloons for a second.Then I heard the 7 of the lady as I guess she thought I was taking too long. What she didnt 8 was that I asked the cashier to hold the 9 for me so I could get a $20 bill out for her. I turned to her and 10 her the $20. At that time her ki

4、ds finally got in line and were obviously 11 . I advised the lady to buy some 12 for herself to make her not that depressed. I told the kids to make sure mommy got flowers and they 13 . She so appreciated this random act of 14 . I was happy and left the store.Once outside the store, I was at my car

5、15 my daughters gift as I would be going straight to her home as soon as I was done. This lady 16 to me and asked me if she could take a picture of us 17 . I agreed and she got a picture and was so 18 to me. I gave her a 19 and told her to be 20 to herself.1、Ascolding Brushing Cordering Ddragging2、A

6、offered Bpromised Crefused Dhoped3、Aanxiously Bproudly Cpatiently Dpolitely4、Atiredness Bsorrow Cdepression Dexcitement5、AAlthough BAs CBecause DUntil6、Acashier Bseller Cassistant Dwaitress7、Ashout Bsob Cscream Dsigh8、Aignore Badmit Crealize Dimagine9、Aballoons Bitems Cbag Dbasket10、Adropped Bdelive

7、red Chanded Dthrew11、Athrilled Bamazed Cfrightened Ddisappointed12、Aflowers Bgifts Cfood Dclothes13、Aapproved Bdiscussed Chesitated Dagreed14、Abeauty Bkindness Ccarefulness Dspirit15、AAwrapping Bcleaning Cdecorating Drepairing16、Apulled up Bcarried on Ccame up Dturned out17、Aalone Btogether Csoon Dl

8、ater18、Adevoted Bkind Cfriendly Dgrateful19、Aglance Btalk Chug Dlook20、Agentle Bmean Cfaithful DgoodSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1L

9、iving Music in the HomeLiving music in the Home is a Waldorf-inspired resource for parents and teachers who wish to share the joy of music with their children and student. We provide musical training for adults so they can make music in their homes and classrooms.NEW! In addition to our online offer

10、ings (see below), we are now offering in-person parent-child music classes in western Massachusetts. We invite you to come to join us for BabySong and ChildSong, offered at the Cottage Garden.CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATIONCLICK HERE FOR REGISTEROUR ONLINE COURSESFinding Your Inner VoiceInstructor:

11、Michelle Prindle (about)Available: March 17This course offers instruction in vocal (唱歌的) technique that will help parents and teachers to find their inner voice. The course removes modem misunderstandings about the voice. It offers advice on overcoming psychological boundaries to joyful singing. Thi

12、s is done through practical, confidence-building exercise that parents and teachers can practice in their own homes along with the videos and audio files provided. The course also offers a variety of songs for singing with children.Mood of the FifthInstructor: Dan Prindle (About)Available: March 17T

13、his course begins by giving parents and teachers a solid foundation in the basics of western music theory that are necessary for understanding music in the mood of the fifth. These include the fundamentals of music theory (basics of pitch and rhythm). The course then continues to define the mood of

14、the fifth, describe its elements and give a variety of examples. This course provides the necessary knowledge for parents and teachers to fully understand this often unclearly defined concept.1、If Tome who doesnt have a computer wants to use the resource, he can .Acall Michelle Prindle directlyBtake

15、 the course Finding Your Inner VoiceCjoin in BabySong and Childsong at the Cottage GardenDtake in-person music classes in eastern Massachusetts2、What can teachers and parents learn in the online courses?AInstruction in vocal technique.BHow to breathe while running.CVarious songs suitable for adults.DHow to dea


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