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1、湖南省益阳市安化县2023年考研英语一考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)There is an old proverb “The writer creates half the text; the reader creates the other half”. The statement is q

2、uite apt and very clear to clarify the fact that 1 is very important aspect of education. Conversation, experience, reading and observation are the ways by which an individual 2 And so it is clear that process of learning is 3 without reading.A very suitable example fitting in this context is from o

3、ur evolution. We have 4 different ages, from Stone Age to Iron Age and from iron to space age, just by reading the hand 5 articles of our own ancestors and learning 6 their mistakes.When we 7 the pages of dictionary or search for a literal definition of “Reading”, we will find that it actually is a

4、way of words attainment for active communication, and for 8 ideas and information. It is also a 9 of complicated interaction between the transcript and the 10 The reading process obliges constant practices, progress, and improvement.Reading and education is not just going through the text; it is act

5、ually a skill, talent or an expertise. It is measured by 11 parameters like phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Although there are a number of 12 and techniques in reading, there are three tools by which one can improve reading and 13 skills. Lets find the three:Skimming: It is a skill b

6、y which readers gather the most prior information. In this process one has to only go through the text, grasping 14 information. Understanding does not actually 15 here. Reading morning newspaper is the 16 of this skill.Scanning: It is used to locate or mind a particular piece of information. The re

7、ader in this process is more conscious 17 here is also not so vital. One can go just reading and noting the important information which he/she are 18 Going through the travel ticket is the best example of this process.Intensive Reading: As the name suggest, this skill 19 thorough reading. Understand

8、ing is also one of its important aspects. It requires a concentration from the part of readers. Going through educational note or property papers are the example of 20 reading.1、AlisteningBrespectingCreadingDspeaking2、ApracticesBremembersCgrowsDlearns3、AincompleteBuselessCincorrectDinconvenient4、Apa

9、ssedBrepeatedCmovedDsaw5、AspokenBwrittenCboughtDshown6、AinBfromCatDon7、Ago onBgo throughCgo aboutDgo after8、AsharingBarguingCenjoyingDcollecting9、AthoughtBreliefCprocessDtopic10、AbuyerBwaiterCwriterDreader11、AdifferentBdifficultCreliableDclassic12、AideasBmarksCcopiesDtools13、AoccupationBmeasureCcomp

10、rehensionDeducation14、ApoliticalBpersonalCimportantDinteresting15、AdifferBmatterCworkDoccur16、AexplanationBexampleCmomentDidiom17、AResearchBUnderstandingCInformationDSurvey18、Aglancing atBspeaking ofClooking afterDSearching for19、ArequiresBmeetsCreplacesDattracts20、AcreativeBactiveCnativeDIntensiveS

11、ection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 British people work some of the longest hours in Europe, but are among the least productive. Now some

12、 companies are shortening the working week to increase efficiency, health and happiness.Rich Leigh has introduced a four-day week at his PR company. In fact, his entire company has Friday off, because his firm has adopted a four-day week. It is one of a handful of UK businesses that now operate like

13、 this: staff still get paid their previous five-day salary, but they work a day less. The company found that they achieved just as muchand there were even sighs of growth. “The key to the schemes success,” Leigh says, “is how happy our employees now are.”The average British worker takes only a 34 mi

14、nute lunch break and works 10 hours overtime each week (more often than not this is unpaid). Yet UK productivity falls seriously behind their European neighbors, who tend to work fewer hours.British working practices have caused loss and damage to the nations health and happiness. More than half a m

15、illion workers in the UK were signed off with work-related stress or anxiety last year. Moreover, the work landscape itself is changing. Automation and AI will have a significant impact on the labor market, where unsteady work becomes more common.Britain is the only EU member that allows workers to ignore the EU working time limit and work longer hours. For campaigners, now is the time for a change. OGrady, an advocate, argues that where businesses have increased their profits as a


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