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1、考研英语一安徽省蚌埠市怀远县2023年点睛提分卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)There was a rich man who wanted to choose a husband for his only child from a great number of pursuers. The man 1

2、all the pursuers to a river and pointed to the crocodiles there, saying, “Anyone who can swim across the river safely will marry my 2 ” The pursuers looked at each other and no one 3 take action. At that moment, a man plunged into the river and swam 4 surprising speed to the other side. All the peop

3、le there 5 him with a great sense of admiration for his courage. 6 , the man, after landing on the bank, shouted 7 , “who pushed me into the river just now?”Maybe the man, 8 thinking about the whole 9 and the happy consequences of his act, will eventually be 10 to the one who pushed him into the riv

4、er. In life it is fairly 11 for disadvantages to turn into advantages and misfortunes into fortunes! But many of us are 12 to realize the true 13 of our “rivals” to success. Generally speaking, many people would see the one who “pushes him into the river” as an opponent. However, the one who “pushes

5、 him into the river” gives you a feeling of urgency and stimulates (激励) your ambition and 14 to strive for success! You try your best to 15 your difficulties and progress to the next stage in life!If a man does not have rivals, he 16 be satisfied with the present and will not strive to improve his 1

6、7 He would 18 in the face of difficulties and sink into laziness. Therefore, your rivals are not your opponents. Instead, they are good 19 !In our lives, we need some rivals to “pushes him into the river,” leading us to strive ahead in difficulties and competitions. Thanks to our rivals, we can show

7、 our 20 to its best. Thanks to our rivals, we are able to make continuous progress while competing with them!1、AwalkedBledCdroveDbrought2、AsonBsisterCbrotherDdaughter3、AdaredBcouldCwouldDmust4、AinBforCatDwith5、AapprovedBwelcomeCobservedDapplauded6、AMeanwhileBButCHoweverDFurthermore7、AdesperatelyBang

8、rilyCsurprisinglyDhappily8、AafterBunlessCbeforeDwhile9、AprogramBprocessCresultDaccident10、AcloseBsatisfiedCdevoteDgrateful11、AgeneralBusualCcommonDordinary12、AableBwillingCunableDunwilling13、AmeaningBsignificanceCtendencyDanswer14、AdesireBdemandCdeedDdefense15、AignoreBoverlookCmeetDovercome16、Ais bo

9、und toBis intended toCis meant toDis fit to17、AoccasionBambitionCsituationDcontribution18、Ahold outBhold offChold onDhold back19、AfriendsBrivalsCenemiesDrelatives20、ApreferenceBpotentialCcharacterDknowledgeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the que

10、stions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 When hospital staff are in full scrubs(手术衣), their faces are almost completely covered by their caps and face masks, and we can only see their eyes and eyebrows. In order to solve the problem, a

11、 doctor in Sydney, Australia, called Rob Hackett launched a campaign named “ Theatre(手术室) Cap Challenge”- encourage hospital staffs to write their names and roles on their caps. At first, his colleagues didnt take it seriously. However, with time going on, it has been adopted around the world with s

12、tudies from the US and UK reporting how this simple idea can decrease human errors in healthcare.“I went to a theatre where there were about 20 doctors and nurses in the room,” Dr. Rob Hackett said. I struggled to even ask to be passed some gloves because the person I was pointing to thought I was p

13、ointing to the person behind them, because I dont know their names. said Rob. As we all know, doctors are a stressful profession. When faced with life and death, they need to save the patients life for a second. At the moment, effective communications are important.“The Theatre Cap Challenge is in r

14、esponse to concerns about how easily avoidable mistakes and poor communication are contributing to rising harmful events for our patients.” said Rob. We need to develop systems which reduce mistakes and misunderstanding without causing harm. For this to happen, we need to let everyone know were huma

15、n. ”he added On the other hand, from the patients viewpoint, caps with names on them can make patients more unworried. When everyone appears the same, it is extremely difficult to distinguish who is who. Knowing them relaxed.1、What can we learn from paragraph1?AHospital staff are asked to cover their faces in hospitals.BRob is in favor of writing names and roles on capsCRob wanted to be a professional doctor.DRobs idea can increase human errors in healthcare.2、What can


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