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1、考研英语一山东省潍坊市寿光市2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) Surrounded by rolling green hills dotted with horses and cows, the town of Waimea on Hawa

2、iis Big Island is a peaceful and friendly place. One afternoon, while staying with friends at their house there, my husband and I decided to go for a 36 along the many, mostly traffic-free, country lanes in the area. We met a beautiful Golden Retriever. He seemed 37 friendly so we stopped to play wi

3、th him, 38 a stick which he retrieved(取回) several times happily. When we 39 our walk, he followed us, and although I worried that he 40 be going too far from his home, I couldnt deny that we were enjoying his 41 . After about twenty minutes, we found ourselves walking along a dirt road in an unfamil

4、iar area. One house, almost hidden by shrubbery(灌木林) and shaded by tall trees,seemed 42 strange. I felt an urge to be as far away from that place as possible. Just then, the door to the house creaked open and five dogs 43 , barking and growling as they ran toward us. I felt 44 and couldnt move. Ther

5、e was nowhere to 45 and no time to run. All of a sudden, our new friend appeared between the dogs and us. He faced them all five of them growling and baring his teeth. I was 46 to see the attacking dogs stop in their tracks ten feet away from him. Our protector 47 them there while we escaped. 48 a s

6、afe distance, we looked back and saw the five dogs 49 back toward their house. But the Golden Retriever was 50 in sight. I felt an ache in my 51 ; I missed our friend already. Instinctively, I knew he was not hurt. With a feeling of 52 , we made our way back to the house, 53 the whole way that we wo

7、uld see him again. But it was not to be. When I told our friend about the encounter, her eyes flew wide open 54 she exclaimed, “It was an angel!” To this day I have no 55 that a four-legged angel protected us.1、Awalk BsightseeingCpicnic Dtrip2、Aincreasingly Bdeliberately C personally Dexceptionally3

8、、Aholding Btalking CthrowingDpicking4、Astarted Bcontinued Cwent Dkept5、Ashould Bmust Cwould Dmight6、AaccompanyBcompany CcompanionDfellow7、Ahardly Botherwise Csomehow Danyhow8、Acame outBrushed outCwalked outDheaded out9、AterrifiedBexcited CastonishedDstrange10、Asee Bgo Chide Dfind11、Aamazed Bpleased

9、Camused Dcrazy12、Astopped Bheld Cordered Dforced13、AWith BOn CIn DAt14、Aheading BreturningCbarking Djumping15、AeverywhereBsomewhereCanywhere Dnowhere16、Afoot Bhand Cmind Dheart17、AtirednessBsadness CemptinessDhappiness18、Ahoping BthinkingCimaging D.believing19、Aafter Bas Csince Dthough20、Awonder Bre

10、gret Cdoubt DideaSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Are we alone in the universe? A team of scientists announced on January 6, 2015 tha

11、t they had identified eight planets beyond our solar system, three or four of which orbit in their stars “Goldilocks Zone” the region where temperatures are not too hot or too cold for water, which is a necessary ingredient for life as we know it, to exist liquid form. This may be good news for peop

12、le hoping that Earth is not the only inhabited world in the universe.The scientists, led by Dr. Guilermo Torres of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, made the discoveries using data collected by the planet-seeking Kepler telescope.NASA launched Kepler in 2009. Since then, the telescope

13、 has identified more than 1,000 planets outside of our solar system. Torres and his team analyzed the data about the eight newly discovered world to determine which ones are most likely to be similar to our Earth.Among the new discoveries, the scientists say the planets called Kepler438b and 442b ar

14、e the closest to Earth. Kepler 438b is just about 10% larger than our planet, and gets 40% more of its energy from its star than Earth receives from the Sun. Temperatures there would be about 140 degrees. Kepler 442b is about 33% larger than Earth, but receives 30% less energy from its star. That would make it a potentially chillier world than our own. Torres says it is possible for life to exist and survive in either of those temperatures, but for that to happen, these planets would need to have another key ingredient for life: a


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