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1、考研英语一2023年江苏省徐州市贾汪区预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Recently, my friend, who is a physician, told me she wasnt doing a good enough job being a parent and was missing o

2、ut on her childrens lives.Ive learned that other physicians also believe the 1 of their profession will somehow adversely(不利地)affect their childrens 2 .I tell my colleagues not to 3 , and that one day their child will appreciate them for their life as a 4 child.I can say this 5 my mother was a palli

3、ative-care physician. Being the daughter of a palliative care physician wasnt 6 : I came to understand mothers absence, having to 7 her with others, and being 8 to human suffering and death were just 9 of my life. 10 , being the child of a physician had a 11 effect on my life. I learned love was sac

4、rifice and you would get love and appreciation in return. If I could have my 12 over again, I wouldnt change much.Sure, there were times when I wanted to 13 my mothers pager(传呼机)out of the window, or 14 that she could have attended school events. But even as a child I knew what I was 15 , and what s

5、he was sacrificing, were 16 worth it for the life that I got to lead. My mothers work as a palliative-care physician provided me with experiences that enriched my life, teaching me 17 lessons, skills and the knowledge of kindness, sympathy and generosity.So, to anyone who is concerned about 18 a car

6、eer with raising children, I offer you my reassurance. While there will be tough times, one day your child will 19 you for the experiences and the life theyve had as a result of your 20 .1、Ademands Bstandards Cchallenges Dopportunities2、Aintelligence Bschooling Cfuture Dgrowth3、Aquit Bmention Cworry

7、 Dhurry4、Adoctors Bteachers Cmothers Dcolleagues5、Athough Bwhen Cif Dbecause6、Atough Bcorrect Ceasy Dnormal7、Aassist Bshare Ccompare Dsubstitute8、Afamiliar Brelated Cdevoted Dexposed9、Amotivation Bmeaning Cpart Daim10、AHowever BBesides CSomehow DTherefore11、Anegative Bpassive Cside Dpositive12、Aoccu

8、pation Bchildhood Cadult Deducation13、Akeep Bmake Cthrow Dtake14、Awished Bhoped Crequested Ddemanded15、Aexpecting Bimagining Cdoing Dsacrificing16、Aless than Bmore than Cother than Drather than17、Aspecial Bunforgettable Ctough Dvaluable18、Abalancing Bcombining Coffering Dswapping19、Aprepare Bthank C

9、forgive Dpraise20、Acontribution Bdevotion Ccareer DcareSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The belief that new technologies are causing t

10、he death of work is the idea that never goes away. Despite evidence to the contrary, we still view technological change today as being more rapid and dramatic in its consequences for work than ever before. But this is nothing new. People have always viewed the technological changes that take place d

11、uring their lives the most dramatic and dangerous that ever happened in history.In the 1930s, the British economist(经济学家)John Maynard Keynes predicted the widespread use of electricity would produce a world where people spend most of their time doing nothing. In the United States during the 1960s, t

12、he government repeatedly investigates fears that automatic machines would permanently reduce the amount of work available, In 1988, one Australian historian claimed that at least a quarter of the workforce would be without jobs within 10 years because of computers.Of course, none of these disasters

13、came to pass in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, or anywhere else.Yet today, we are seeing the return of these predictions, with some experts claiming the world of work once more undergoing radical and unprecedented change. They argue that robots and other workplace technologies

14、are causing a reduction in the total amount of work available, or are bringing a more rapid pace substitution of machines for humans has been seen previously.But there is a little evidence to support such beliefs, Statistics show that the percentage of people in work, the number of hours they work,

15、and how frequently they change jobs have remained remarkably constant over the past 20 years.This stability should not come as a surprise, There are good reasons why we should not expect new technologies to cause the death of work. New technologies always cause job losses, but that is only part of the story. What also needs


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