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1、考研英语一2023年柳州市鹿寨县高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Peer pressure leads many high school students to follow the crowd and not do what they believe is right. I was one o

2、f them. It took me two years of high school to realize that I was 1 to stand on my own feet and 2 the challenge of wrestling. And I have grown from this experience.Wrestling has a long history in my 3 . My grandfather and my two uncles wrestled and were 4 . I can remember my grandpa telling me how h

3、e 5 his championship match and how he felt when his name was announced as New York State Champion. I could never have imagined that 6 till the night I won my first match. I never realized the 7 demand that wrestling took on ones body. The long hours of learning new moves, lifting weights, and the me

4、ntal preparations needed to prepare for this sport are 8 . I had to learn to 9 my time between school, home and friends. Wrestling is more of an individual sport, but it also 10 the help and support of a team to be successful. The coaches taught us to 11 ourselves and also the opponents we face on t

5、he mat.At Christmas, we as a team brought toys to Upstate Hospital cancer unit for the 12 children who could not be home for the 13 with their families. Here I was able to 14 the children who never knew if they were able to leave the hospital and live a(n) 15 life. This made me realize that I need t

6、o live each day to the fullest because no one can tell what life has in 16 for us.Wrestling has taught me I am capable of being my own 17 . I cannot go back in time to change the past. 18 , the confidence I have gained allows me the possibility of furthering my 19 career in college. From this sport,

7、 I now know that to be 20 you must not be afraid to try something new.1、Aafraid Bpleased Cable Dlikely2、Apicking out Bpicking up Ctaking in Dtaking on3、Aschool Bfamily Cmind Dstudy4、Aspeakers Btrainers Cbelievers Dchampions5、Awon Bheld Cattended Ddesigned6、Aaction Breaction Cfeeling Dchange7、Alittle

8、 Bphysical Cmaterial Deconomic8、Aenough Binteresting Csatisfactory Dawesome9、Aspend Bspare Cmanage Dvalue10、Alacks Brequires Cconsults Ddeserves11、Aprepare Bexpress Ccontent Drespect12、Aclever Bconfident Cunfortunate Dinnocent13、Agifts Bceremonies Cholidays Dtreatments14、Avisit Bcure Cthank Dgather1

9、5、Anormal Bpositive Cactive Dbrilliant16、Aneed Bcase Cadvance Dstore17、Ateacher Bindividual Cfriend Dstatus18、AHowever BThus CBesides DMeanwhile19、Aserving Bwrestling Cguiding Drunning20、Asuccessful Battractive Cbrave DdeterminedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following fou

10、r texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1“Auld Lang Syne” is a song that everyone drunkenly sings, which marks the start to a brand new year. No one ever seems to know the words (something about forgetting old acq

11、uaintances?) or what they mean (why would we want to forget people?), but, in America, its as much a part of New Years tradition as wine. But why?The lyrics (歌词) to the song come from a poem written by the great Scottish poet Robert Bums in 1788. Its title is believed to be an old Scottish way of sa

12、ying “a long time ago.” Phrases like “In the days of auld lang syne” also appear in other Scottish fairytales and poems, usually as a way of saying “Once Upon a Time.”While it still causes confusion, it is believed that the opening lines of the song are meant to be rhetorical (夸张的); “Should auld acq

13、uaintance be forgotten, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgotten, and auld lang syne?” therefore means we should have a drink in honor of whatever is passing, and remember old friends.When the Scots immigrated to America in the 19th century, they brought the song with them. B

14、ut its great popularity can be largely due to the Canadian bandleader Guy Lombardo.In 1965, he explained how he himself came to associate the song with the end of the year to Life Magazine:“Auld Lang Syne is our theme songand was long before anyone ever heard us on the radio. In our particular part

15、of western Ontario, where theres a large Scottish population, it was traditional for bands to end every dance with Auld Lang Syne. We didnt think it was known here.If you want to see the singer in action, check out his final performance on the eve of 1977, after performing for 48 years in a row.1、How might people feel when first hearing the song Auld


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