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1、考研英语一2023年邯郸市涉县全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadnt healed(痊愈)from a(n) 1 injury. I had 2 whether or not I should at

2、tend the meet. But there I was, 3 for the 3,000-meter run.Ready. set. The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed 4 me. I felt 5 as I fell farther and farther behind.Hooray! shouted the crowd. It was the loudest 6 I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was two laps(圈)ahead of

3、me when she crossed the finish line.Maybe I should 7 , I thought as I moved on. 8 ,I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran 9 and decided not to 10 in track next year. It wouldnt be worth it, 11 my foot did heal.When I finished, I heard a cheer- 12 than the one Id heard earlier. I tu

4、rned around and 13 ,the boys were preparing for their race. They must be cheering for the boys.I was leaving 14 several girls came up to me. Wow, youve got courage! one of them told me.Courage? I just 15 a race! I thought. I would have given up on the first lap, said another girl. We were cheering f

5、or you. Did you hear us?Suddenly I regained 16 . I decided to 17 track next year. I realized strength and courage arent always 18 in medals and victories, but in the 19 we overcome(战胜). The strongest people are not always the people who win, 20 the people who dont give up whenthey lose.1、AslighterBw

6、orseCearlierDheavier2、AexpectedBsupposed C, imaginedCdoubted3、AlateBeagerCreadyDthirsty4、Afrom behindBahead ofCnext toDclose to5、AashamedBastonishedCexcitedDfrightened6、AcheerBshoutCcryDnoise7、Aslow downBdrop outCgo onDspeed up8、AThereforeBOtherwiseCBesidesDHowever9、Awith delightBwith fearCin painDi

7、n advance10、AplayBarriveCraceDattend11、Aeven ifBonly ifCunlessDuntil12、AweakerBlongerClowerDlouder13、Awell enoughBsure enoughCsurprisingly enoughDstrangely enough14、AwhileBwhenCasDsince15、AfinishedBwonCpassedDlost16、AcheerBhopeCinterestDexperience17、Ahold onBturn toCbegin withDstick with18、Ameasured

8、BpraisedCtestedDincreased19、AsadnessBstrugglesCdiseases.Dtiredness20、AorBnorCandDbutSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Information about

9、 Special Educational NeedsLearn what to do if you think your child has Special Educational Needs (SEN).What Special Educational Needs?Special Educational Needs is a legal term. It describes the needs of child who has a difficulty or disability which makes learning harder for them than for other chil

10、dren their age.What if I think my child has SEN?You know your child better than anyone else. If your child is pro-school, dont wait for their next routine health check:visit your GP (全科医生) and ask for their opinion. If your child is already in school (including nursery), talk to their teacher. Ask a

11、lso to speak to the schools Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), who organizes extra help for children with SEN.What will the school do?Schools are required by law to provide an education for all pupils, regardless of their ability or special needs. Every childs education is equally impor

12、tant.If the SENCO and your childs teacher agree that your child has SEN, the school will probably take a “graduated approach”this means “step-by-step”. They will offer your child extra support, with the possibility of more support if needed.1、We can see that children with SEN _.Ahave difficulty in c

13、oping with disability of various kindsBare not as good at learning as other children in one familyCare not able to learn like normal ones in equal conditionsDhave below-average intellectual ability just at school age2、If a child with SEN has special difficulty in learning, he/she might _.Areceive on

14、e-to-one teaching Bskip what is beyond him/herCgraduate like others as usual Dget assistance from his/her GPText 2As a manager,you want to help your employees.And thats great.When an employee comes to you with a problem,you may tend to jump in and offer advice.While your intentions are noble,you may

15、 end up helping where it isnt actually needed or taking over the conversation altogether.You go into rescuer mode,and its understandable.Youre trying to help out wherever you can.But at the end of the day,youre very;tired because youve taken on more than you should have,and your team member is depressed because responsibilities were taken away from them.You thought you were helping as m


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