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1、考研英语一湖北省孝感市云梦县2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) When Charles Barkleys mother passed away, Barkleys hometown came to the funeral. But a(n) 1 guest also came. He

2、wasnt a basketball player or from Barkleys hometown. More 2 , he was my dad-a scientist.My dad said he 3 about Barkley long before he met him. Whenever we 4 dinner parties, he would talk about Barkley. Basketball has never been my thing. I 5 some key words into a search engine to 6 something about B

3、arkley. He seemed pretty famous and 7 not like anyone who would be friends with my dad.But the friendship was real.My dad 8 made a slide of photos of him and Barkley together for our communitys Chinese New Year party- totally irrelevant to the 9 . I asked him what made them become friends.As an Asia

4、n in the U.S., we had a good 10 , he said. We agree on many views.They believed the color of their skin didnt 11 .But on a Sunday afternoon my dad passed away. Everyone was 12 as Barkley attended the funeral. It gives me great 13 and joy to know I was a friend of his, Barkley said. Just hearing abou

5、t him at the 14 -what he had achieved and what he was trying to help others 15 , touched me I 16 he would be known to many people.At the funeral, people 17 memories of my dad. I realize that even after he passed away, I would continue to 18 things about him.The story of his friendship with Barkley w

6、as not just a 19 with a famous person-it threw light on the 20 of this world. 1、AfrequentBunexpectedCaverageDunwelcome2、AspecificallyBimportantlyCcarefullyDstrictly3、AcaredBworriedCthoughtDknew4、AheldBorganizedCattendedDarranged5、AreadBforgotCsentDtyped6、Afind outBapply forCtalk aboutDpick up7、Apote


8、hBcontributeCdevelopDgain16、AwishedBdeclaredCsuspectedDconfirmed17、AimprovedBrefreshedCsharedDlost18、AspreadBlearnCobtainDmourn19、AconnectionBcoincidenceCphenomenonDrelationship20、AbenefitsBresponsibilitiesCpossibilitiesDvarietiesSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following fo

9、ur texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Police around the world have for almost 100 years relied on lie detectors to help spot criminals. But there has long been much skepticism in the scientific and legal commu

10、nities about the lie detectors reliability. Hopefully, it could soon be no longer in use.Researchers in Britain and the Netherlands have made a breakthrough, developing a more reliable method to help conduct interviews. Rather than just record changes in pulse, blood pressure, sweating and breathing

11、, the new system involves monitoring full-body motions to provide an indicator of signs of guilty feelings.There is a basic fact that liars tend to keep moving their hands and feet and so an all-body motion suit will pick this up. The suit contains 17 sensors that record movement in 23 joints up to

12、120 times per second.“The lie detector has been around since the 1920s and by measuring physiological stress caused by anxiety, you can only get a success rate of about 60%.”, said Ross Anderson, professor of security engineering at Cambridge University.He said the new method, by contrast, achieved

13、a reliability rating of over 70% and he was quite sure that they would be able to do better. In one of their experiments, the team has already achieved more than 80%.The experiment involved 180 students and employees at Lancaster University, of which half were told to tell the truth and half to lie.

14、 They were each paid 7.50 for their participation in the 70-minute experiment, involving two test.Some were interviewed about a computer game “Never End” that they played for seven minutes, while others lied about playing it having only been shown notes about it.The second test involved a lost walle

15、t containing 5. Some were asked to bring the wallet to a lost-and-found box while others hid it and lied about it.“Overall, we correctly classified 82.2% of the interviewees as either being truthful or dishonest.”, the report said.But the use of all-body suits is expensive they cost about 30,000 and can be uncomfortable, so Anderson and his colleagues are now looking at low-cost alternatives.1、The researchers used the a


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