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1、定西地区临洮县2023年考研英语一临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The plan for the annual Christmas Dinner for Those Alone and Homeless started between two church members who happen

2、ed to share a plane ride back to Springfield.Springfield physician F. T. “Hogan” H Doubler Jr. told Gary Ellison he was 1 about those who he knew were 2 during the upcoming holidays. He wanted to help them.He said, “If you dont have 3 with you, the fact that everything, at Christmas is family this a

3、nd family that can be 4 Wouldnt it be great 5 our church could have a big Christmas dinner-free of 6 ?”If they wanted the big dinner held in the church, admission of the preacher (牧师) was very necessary. Therefore, H Doubler asked Ellison if he could 7 the preacher to allow the dinner. H Doubler wou

4、ld put up a sizable 8 . “He imagined a nice event with no strings (附加条件) attached,” said Ellison.With the physician 9 the main course, other church members offered side dishes and desserts.After a few years, the church picked up the expenses. “The first 10 may have drawn 200 people,” Ellison said, “

5、but some years it may draw close to 20.”In order that the church can 11 for the right size crowd, people who want to 12 are asked to call an answering service and select the time they will come in advance. Ellison said church members would do their best to make everyone feel 13 . Over the years hes

6、enjoyed seeing strangers socialize.H Doubler always smiled when he read or heard reports of the events 14 , his daughter Sarah Muegge said. “He was very 15 with the way it developed,” said Ellison. “Its 16 the way H Doubler expected it: no strings attached. Just fun and good 17 ,” said Ellison.H Dou

7、bler preferred to keep secret his role in 18 the event, but he 19 recently at the age of 85. Ellison asked H Doublers daughter if it was OK to tell people that it was H Doublers 20 and money that started the tradition. And she said yes.1、Aconcerned Bconfused Ccurious Ddoubtful2、Aabnormal Babroad Cal

8、one Dasleep3、Afamily Bfriends Cneighbors Dchildren4、Aexciting Bobvious Cinteresting Dpainful5、Aunless Buntil Cthough Dif6、Acost Btime Ccharge Dgame7、Aforce Bwarn Cconvince Dorder8、Aservice Bbuilding Ctable Ddonation9、Ashowing up Bpaying for Cdeposit Dlending to10、Atour Bdinner Ccontest Dshow11、Aplan

9、 Bpossess Cremind Drefuse12、Abuy Battend Chelp Dwatch13、Aconfident Bwelcome Cignored Dproud14、Aproblem Bchallenge Csuccess Dchance15、Abusy Bfamiliar Cpatient Dpleased16、Aonly Bjust Ceven Dstill17、Afood Bscene Cstory Dreport18、Astarting Brecording Ccelebrating Dending19、Aleft Bappeared Cdied Dreturne

10、d20、Aturn Bvisit Cexcuse DideaSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1I was delighted to receive a copy of Marie Curie and her Daughters by S

11、helley Emling through my letter-box a few weeks ago.Actually science has never really been my “thing”. At school I really struggled with physics and chemistry and was much happier in English Language or History classes. My mind is not structured enough to understand how science works, Im a bit of a

12、daydreamer and prefer using my imagination rather than learning facts, figures and formulae(公式). Of course I knew who Marie Curie was, her great achievements, her contribution to science, to medical advances and influence on the world, but other than that, I really had very little idea about her lif

13、e.Shelley Emling has based this book on Marie Curies relationship with her two daughters, Irene and Eve. The book begins after the early death of Pierre Curie, when Marie is left to carry on the work that they started as a couple and to bring up her two small daughters alone. Emling has concentrated

14、 her book on the communication between Marie and her daughters. She was not an overly-protective mother, nor did she hesitate to spend time away from her daughters, yet this did not weaken their relationship. Marie was a caring and loving mother, who encouraged her daughters to become individuals, t

15、o achieve what they wanted to.Marie Curie and her husband made the decision not to profit from their discoveries. It was because of this that Marie had to depend on donations to carry out her work, and that she had to carry out tours of the States.I was very impressed by Emlings writing style she has told the stor



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