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1、考研英语一2023年贵南县模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)“My wallet!Where is it?”were my first words when I found out my wallet was lostI searched my memory for a few good second

2、s,and then 1 that I had left my precious wallet in the libraryTo be 2 ,it was in the public toilet of the library! 3 the library was then closed,I had to wait until the next morning to begin my 4 When I got there early the next day,all I found was a 5 bathroomAt that time,all I could 6 was that the

3、person who cleaned the restroom had 7 my walletSo I 8 approached an old lady at the front desk“Excuse me,is there a wallet found in the restroom yesterday?”She walked through a door and 9 for a momentThen she came back to the desk“No,”she saidI quickly thanked her and walked off, 10 Finally,I painfu

4、lly 11 the fact that my wallet had goneA week later,I received a mysterious 12 in the mailSure enough,it was my 13 ! And most surprisingly, 14 in it was missing! And there was a little yellow piece of paper folded up insideI slowly unfolded it and a little medal of Christ fell offThe paper 15 like h

5、is:Always 16 this medal with you,whatever your religion is,so the angel that was watching over you last 17 will always be closeThis person didnt even leave a return 18 ,so I couldnt thank whoever it wasFrom that day on,I promised myself to 19 this example when I was in a similar situationI will make

6、 others as 20 as I was when I opened that package !1、ApredictedBrealizedCexplainedDimagined2、AobviousBhonestCexactDclear3、ABecauseBAlthoughCUnlessDEven4、AworkBreadingCresearchDsearch5、AcrowdedBnoisyCcleanDdeserted6、Arun afterBhope forCrememberDdeclare7、AhiddenBpickedCignoredDfound8、AsecretlyBaimless


8、CcompareDconnect17、AmonthBfortnightCweekDyear18、AreminderBdateCmessageDaddress19、AsetBfollowCgiveDtake20、AannoyedBpuzzledCcrazyDhappySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the

9、 ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Plants on Earth have grown for hundreds of millions of years, yet President Donald Trumps pick to lead his new climate team insists that they need more carbon dioxide (CO2) to boom.Princeton physicist and carbon dioxide-advocate William Happer has been selected to he

10、ad the brand new Presidential Committee on Climate Security. The atomic scientist, who achieved recognition for his work on atomic collisions (原子碰撞), not climate science, declared that the planets atmosphere needs significantly more CO2, which is reported to speed up climate change. Happer said plan

11、ts use CO2 to live and more CO2 is actually a benefit to the Earth. He also stressed that Earth is experiencing a “CO2 starvation”, and concludes that “If plants could vote, they would vote for coal.”Earth and plant scientists, however, find Happers insistence that the plant kingdom would benefit fr

12、om increased CO2 wrong-headed and it lacks evidence. For example, Earths CO2 levels have increased sharply in the last century, and are now at their highest levels in at least 800,000 yearsthough other measurements show CO2 levels are higher than theyve been in 15 million years. “The idea that incre

13、ased CO2 is universally beneficial to plants is very misguided,” Jill Anderson, an evolutionary ecologist specializing in plant populations, said in an interview. Data shows the evolution of global average temperature and CO2 concentration from 1850 to 2019. Though 2019 is a bit cooler than recent y

14、ears, it still is one of the warmest years ever and lies close to the trend line of global warming.Both independent academic organizations and government agencies around different parts of the world concluded more CO2 will bring many negative impacts to plant environments. And they added that “If so

15、meone is going to claim it is good, its necessary for them to show evidence.”1、Why does Happer think plants need more CO2?APlants vote for more CO2.BCO2 speeds up climate change.CPlants need more CO2 to live.DCO2 is actually a benefit to the Earth.2、What can be inferred from paragraph 3?A2019 is a bit warmer than recent years.BCO2 levels must be the highest in history.CThe plant kingdom must benefit from increased



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