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1、考研英语一2023年达州市宣汉县深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My partner and I were staying in Beruwela on the Southwest coast of Sri Lanka when the tsunami(海啸) hit. We 1 from th

2、e first floor of our hotel. At that time, a wall of water swept in and tore the ground floor apart underneath us. 2 to be moved out to Colombo was very frightening because everyone was afraid that another and possibly bigger 3 would come. At one stage we heard that another wave was coming and there

3、was 4 . Surprisingly, a fleet of small vehicles driven by local people arrived outside the hotel and we just 5 a minibus.We were taken up a hill to a place of 6 where we were welcomed by a family who told us that we could stay as 7 as we needed to. Among all this death and 8 , these people were tryi

4、ng to help us! We were shown to the local Mosque where hundreds of locals were cooking, collecting and distributing food and supplies for those less 9 . In the three days we were waiting to leave, we saw many examples of ordinary Sri Lankans, many of whom had lost friends, 10 and livelihoods(生计,谋生方式

5、), trying to help others who were worse off. It was a very moving experience.We have since been 11 the family who took us in and they are saying that what their country needs most urgently is practical help, doctors, nurses and medicines, helping to 12 roads and rebuilding electricity and water supp

6、lies. These people would have done anything to help us, it is time for the British Government to do more to help them. 1、AheardB. watchedClearntDmoved2、ATellingBForcingC. WaitingDOrdering3、A. waveBfloodChurricaneDwater4、A. panicBpeaceCsilenceDviolence5、 Alooked intoBturned toC. jumped intoDbroke int

7、o6、A. safetyBwarmthCgoodnessDdreams7、AwellBfarCsoonD. long8、AkindnessBhappinessCloveD. destruction9、AcarefulB. fortunate CdependentDenergetic10、AchildrenBexpertsC. familyDrelatives11、Ain honor of Bby way ofC. in contact withDon behalf of12、AmakeB. clearCcleanDbuildSection II Reading ComprehensionPar

8、t ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 The Robotic Industries Association (RIA) announced that Catherine Morris, group leader and director of automotive sales at ATI Industri

9、al Automation and Dr. Howie Choset, robotics professor at Carnegie Mellon University and co-founder of the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing(ARM) Institute, have won the 2019 Engelberger Robotics Award. They were honored at a special dinner on April 10 during the Automate Show and ConferenceMorris

10、, who becomes just the fourth woman to win the award is honored in the category of leadership. She said, “I am very surprised and extremely honored to be this years winner of the award. Besides, I cannot help but feel grateful.” Jeff Burnstein, RIA president says, “I can think of very few people in

11、the history of the robotics industry as committed to the growth of our industry as Catherine. In fact, over the past two decades, shes found time to hold almost every key position in our trade group, from Membership Committee Chair, to Automate Show Committee Chair, to overall Chair of RIA, being th

12、e first and only woman to hold that role to date.”Dr. Choset has received the award for Education, becoming the third person from CMU to win the award. Choset is best known for building snake-like robots. He and his research team have studied how these robots, with their unique ability to move throu

13、gh difficult environments, can be used for search and rescue, for mapping and inspecting caves, pipes and other limited spaces, and for manufacturing, said Martial Hebert, director of CMUS Robotics Institute.Dr. Choset is an innovative educator, Hebert added, who is devoted himself to teaching his s

14、tudents. His FDA-approved surgical snake robots have been applied in surgery in the U.S. and Europe since 2015. Besides, considering his roles as a co-founder of the ARM Institute and as a founding editor of the journal Science Robotics, you see that Dr Choset is well deserving of our industrys high

15、est honor1、Morris has received the 2019 Engelberger Robotics Award due to herAmarketing conceptsBexcellent leadershipCteaching skillsDunique creativity2、What can we learn from Jeff Burnstein about Morris?AShe is the first women to win the robotics award.BShe has made more people committed to the robotics industryCShe has the experience of holding different important postsDShe is the only woman to hold Membership Committee Chair3、Why are snake-like robots mentioned in Paragraph 3?ATo praise Chosets cooperation abilityBTo


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