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1、考研英语一2023年石家庄市平山县预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Run freely A lesson about CourageOne afternoon,many years ago,I went to pick up my mother from work.I got there a lit

2、tle early so I_ the car by the roadside and waited for her.As I looked _ the car window,there was a small park where I saw a little boy,around one and a half to two years old, _freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short_.The boy had a big smile on his face_ he had just been set free from

3、 a _.The boy would then fall to the grass,get up,and without_ or without looking back at his mother,run as fast as he could,again ,still with a _ on his face,as if nothing had happened.Kids,when they fall down,they dont consider their falling down as a failure,but _, they treat it as a learning expe

4、rience.They feel compelled to try and try again until they_.Not only was I impressed by the boys courage, but I was _ touched by the manner in which he ran.With each attempt,he looked so_,so natural, without signs of fear,nervousness,or of being disappointed.His only _ was to run freely and to do it

5、 effectively as he could.He was just being a _,just being himself.He was not looking for_ or worrying about whether _ was watching.He wasnt concerned about being judged.He didnt seem to be bothered by the fact that maybe someone would see him _and that it would be _ if he did fall.No,all that_ to hi

6、m was to accomplish the task of activity at hand to the best of his ability, feeling the experience of running fully and freely.I learned a lot from that observation and _, and have successfully brought that lesson with me in life.1、AleftBstartedCstoppedDdrove2、AoutsideBdownCtowardDover3、AplayingBsm



9、tationSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1When a dog looks at you with big puppy-dog eyes, its hard for you to go away, and you may speak

10、 out “Awww” without hesitation. However, theres a reason why you find a dogs stare so attractive. That sweet stare actually causes the release of a particular hormone, or chemical messenger in the body. This hormone creates feelings of affection in humans. The same thing happens to dogs when people

11、look back at them. Scientists believe this helps people and their four-legged friends bond, or feel connected. Scientists have wondered what causes dogs to lovingly stare at their owners. To find out, a team of researchers from Azabu University in Japan studied 30 owners and their dogs.The researche

12、rs found that after the pets and their owners spent half an hour together, both showed a rise in oxytocin (催产素). One key role of this hormone in many animals is to promote bonding, like that between a mother and newborn. The increase of oxytocin didnt happen, though, when scientists repeated the exp

13、eriment with wolves and the humans who had raised them.A second experiment also found that if dogs were given oxytocin, they looked at their owners longer. Scientists arent sure exactly why, but this reaction occurred only with female dogs. Their owners oxytocin levels also rose as a result.The resu

14、lt of these experiments might help answer an age-old question: How did the fearsome wolf ancestor of modern dogs turn into mans best friend? Takefumi Kikusui, an animal scientist who worked on the study, thinks that the change happened when dogs first became domestic (驯养的).According to Kikusui, ther

15、e may have been a small group of wild dogs that were naturally friendlier. “Humans are very sensitive to eye contact. By using this special communication tool, the dogs are able to win over our hearts. If they are more likely to make eye contact, it would be easier for them to bond with dog owners,” Kikusui said.1、According to Paragraph 1, people say “Awww” to _.Amake the dog stare at themBexpress their love for the dogsCdraw the


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