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1、考研英语一2023年石渠县高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I love writing letters. Im one of those people who are 1 about the National Card-and-letter-Writing Month in April. And

2、 I even accepted the “30 2 in 30 Days” social media challenge.The handwritten friendly letter is a dying art formThat 3 me because Im amazed at what letters have 4 to meSome of these letters came to me when I was a kid. They seem more thoughtful, more intentional than the 5 today. When I see my gran

3、dfathers graceful handwriting. I can almost 6 the cadence(抑扬顿挫)of his speech. These letters are 7 and rereading them still makes me feel 8 . Now,as editor in chief of a magazine, I see my young self in many of our 9 who write to the magazine with curiosity and enthusiasm. When we 10 them back, they

4、tell us they are surprised and delighted.Even if writing letters isnt something that 11 your child, letter-writing is a practice youll want to 12 your kids to develop. Why? For starters, letter-writing improves their communication skills. It gives kids practice 13 themselves in a clear manner,letter

5、-writing also improves 14 skills. This is increasingly 15 in all era when handwriting instruction is being cut from school curricula. 16 , letter-writing offers kids a way to understand others feelings. Is Uncle George having an operation? Is your friend who moved away feeling lonely? These are all

6、17 to teach your kids how to think about the 18 of others and write the kind of letter theyd like to receive in these circumstances.If we adults 19 the desired behavior for our children, we increase the possibility that theyll 20 it.1、Acurious Bcautious Cexcited Dshocked2、Abooks Bcompositions C1ette

7、rs Ddiaries3、Asaddens Bmaddens Cburdens Dthreatens4、A1ent Bconveyed Cadapted Dattached5、Aad Bnote Cposter Demail6、Ahear Bnotice Cimitate Dpredict7、Asecrets Brewards Cdreams Dtreasures8、Ahurt Btouched Cconfused Dbored9、Astudents Bvisitors Creaders Dguests10、Acall Bwrite Chold Dtalk11、Acontributes to

8、Bapplies to Coccurs to Dappeals to12、Apay Bforce Callow Dencourage13、Aexpressing Bteaching Cbehaving Dfacing14、Aspeaking Breading Chandwriting Dtranslating15、Astrange Bimportant Ccomplex Dpopular16、AMoreover BTherefore COtherwise DHowever17、Aquestions Bopportunities Ccoincidences Dconclusions18、Awor

9、ds Btheories Ccomments Dfeelings19、Aimitate Bdesign Cmodel Devaluate20、Aadopt Bprotect Cstress DneedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1T

10、here is a lot of talk about “brain power.” You dont usually hear about stomach power. As it turns out, the stomach might also be very powerful with a new electronic pill inside it. The new electronic pill, equipped with a Wi-Fi transmitter, is swallowed and can harvest energy from inside a persons o

11、wn stomach to record core(核心)body temperature and then send the health data to an outside monitor.The model can power itself for nearly a weekmuch longer than current absorbable devices, which are placed inside the body and only can share health information for less than an hour. “To make the device

12、 work even longer, and see if the stomachs acid could power the device, we used tiny pieces of copper and zinc for experiments.” said Philip Nadeau, an electrical engineer who designed the device together.The Wi-Fi devices fit inside a capsule but unfold when they hit the stomach and deliver drugs f

13、or long periods of time before they break down and pass through the body. This Wi-Fi pill could lead to fresh opportunities for drug delivery or real-time health monitoring from inside organs, said Giovanni Traverso, a doctor and biomedical engineer at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, who c0-l

14、ed a study of the pill published recently in Nature Biomedical Engineering.Despite our many medical advances, were pretty bad at measuring core body temperature. A recent study of 8,600 patients found that thermometer(温度计)readings from the mouth or skin did a lousy job of measuring core temperature.

15、 Getting an accurate temperature is important.Traverso and Nadeau are also aiming to shrink(缩小)the pill to the size of a tablet. “Temperature tracking is just the first of many ways the medical community can use the device.” Traverse thinks.1、What is WRONG about the Wi-Fi pill?AThe Wi-Fi device is powered by itself.BTh


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