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1、通河县2023年考研英语一临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My daughter Julie and I went shopping this morning. A little part of me thought about going to another checkout line. T

2、his one had the shortest queue, there was only one guy in it, but he was in a 1 and there seemed to be some complications going on.Well, I stamped on that little part, and we stepped in 2 him. At first, he seemed to be having 3 getting his groceries onto the conveyor belt(输送带). But after a while, I

3、4 that what he was actually doing was dividing them into two lots.Still, getting the stuff up there was no 5 task in itself. I 6 to help, but he and the checkout lady had it under 7 He asked Julie if she would 8 putting his empty basket away. Then he 9 for his wallet which was in a pouch(小袋子)on one

4、side of his chair. The way he was positioned and the fact he only had one usable 10 made this quite a stretch for him, so I helped there.What must it be like, I 11 , to be so dependent on other people like that?The checkout operator came around and gave him his 12 and the items he needed to have to

5、hand. I offered to get 13 bigger bag and he said, “ No. but you could do me a favor. Take that lot along to the entrance and give it to Angela.”I 14 did that, leaving Julie with our shopping. Angela, it turned out, was collecting food for people who might otherwise go 15 I hadnt even noticed her bef

6、ore.This guy, despite the limitation that his 16 condition imposed(强加于) on him, had bought more than twice as much shopping as he needed. He may have been 17 physically, but his heart was more than capable of 18 all that. And it changed my idea of 19 when I realized that the help he had given was 20

7、 the help he had received.1、AtaxiBwheelchairCgroceryDbench2、AbeforeBbehindCnearDbeyond3、AdifficultyBpotentialCdoubtDability4、AregrettedBrecognizedCrequestedDrealized5、AspecialBobviousCeasyDnecessary6、AstruggledBofferedCforcedDpreferred7、AcontrolBconsiderationCrepairDattack8、AmindBfinishCenjoyDescape

8、9、AhopedBchoseCreachedDbegged10、AlegBkneeCfootDarm11、AwarnedBwonderedCfearedDinsisted12、AchangeBbillCnoteDcoin13、AmoreBanotherCotherDthe other14、AdesperatelyBfaithfullyCsadlyDGratefully15、AthirstyBtiredChungryDcrazy16、AmentalBnaturalCofficialDphysical17、AadmiredBlimitedCforgottenDaccepted18、Aovercom

9、ingBkeepingCpassingDdestroying19、AprideBpatienceCdependenceDbravery20、Aother thanBmore thanCless thanDrather thanSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 p

10、oints)Text 1It is quite apparent that competition surrounds every aspect of human life whether in the United States or the Amazon rainforest. Without it we would not have grown into primates (灵长类动物) . Or we would probably still be struggling to sharpen a bronze tool while crawling around on four leg

11、s in search of meat. Without competition, Columbus wouldnt have discovered America and Edison would never have invented the light bulb.Friendship, like all relationships between two people, involves competition. It isnt competition in a traditional sense because there are no goals to be scored and n

12、o prize. Perhaps the ecological definition - the simultaneous (同时) demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources, such as nutrinents, living space, or light - better explains it.As in nature, high school life is governed by a set of laws, similar to a shortened version of Darwi

13、ns theory of evolution, overpopulation, and competition. There is an abundance of high school students and to distinguish them, ranking and categorizing (分类) take place. In high school, friendships learn to coexist with competition even though at times the relationship is rough. In fact, in some cir

14、cumstance, competition is too much of a burden for a friendship to bear, causing it to fall apart. College admission is the final high school objective. Four years of hard work is to achieve good grades, and a students fate is determined not only by these achievements, but by the records of thousand

15、s of other seniors trying to achieve a similar recognition.Nevertheless, by necessity, competition between students exists in all aspects of high school life. It sets and improves the standards in everything from sports to schoolwork. A healthy, friendly competition can have only benefits, but when it becomes too fierce, jealousy (妒忌) can tear friendships apart. Yet, despite all this, without competition, we would be lost.1、What does the ecological definition mainly explain?AHow


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