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1、考研英语一2023年青岛市市北区预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Every year, the fifth graders at Brookstone Elementary went on a field trip to Washington, DCTerence 1 the exciting t

2、rip, and was 2 to go next year.Terence asked his parents 3 if they would pay for half of the trip if he earned the other half of the money himself. His parents 4 . He had almost a year to earn $150. His first 5 was to earn money baby-sitting, and he typed a nice letter 6 that he would baby-sit durin

3、g his neighbors 7 . He named a few afternoons available and said he would 8 $1 per hour per child. After five baby-sitting 9 , he earned $45.When the 10 weather arrived, Terence knocked on his neighbors doors to ask if they needed help with 11 work. He helped with mowing (修剪) and weeding gardens. Af

4、ter the summer was over, he earned $75. When the fall arrived, he counted his money and 12 that he still needed $40 for his trip. Soon his mom saw a(n) 13 for a job for him. He got a job 14 newspapers every Wednesday afternoon, making 5 cents for every paper, $10 15 each Wednesday. It wasnt long bef

5、ore he had 16 money to go on the trip to Washington, DCHe was 17 in time. The class trip was on October 15. His mom and dad gave him a check for the $150 they 18 him. What a great feeling! He helped 19 the cost of his trip.This experience 20 Terence in many ways, making his dream a reality with grea

6、t efforts.1、Aprepared forBlaid outCreferred toDheard about2、AdyingBgratefulCluckyDproud3、AcuriouslyBcasuallyCanxiouslyDbriefly4、AsubmittedBagreedCbargainedDrefused5、AideaBjobCconclusionDsuggestion6、AdeclaringBconfirmingCshowingDsaying7、AstayBcompanyCinteractionDabsence8、ApayBspendCchargeDdonate9、Ane

7、gotiationsBsessionsCattemptsDinterviews10、AwarmBfineCunusualDchangeable11、AyardBpaperCschoolDvolunteer12、AadmittedBdeterminedCcomplainedDinsisted13、AdirectoryBpermitCadvertisementDemail14、AeditingBupdatingCprintingDdelivering15、Aat onceBon timeCafter allDin total16、AextraBmuchCenoughDeasy17、AjustBev

8、enCeverDstill18、AowedBlentCpromisedDordered19、AcountBcoverCestimateDreduce20、AastonishedBshapedCexcitedDimpressedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 p

9、oints)Text 1Apple and Microsoft each launched new products. One company astonished everyone. The other made people sleepy. Can you guess which was which? You probably guessed wrong. Because Apple, famous for its creative products, was the tech giant whose new product caused a collective shrug(耸肩). W

10、hile Microsoft, which stole a move out of the Apple Playbook, won cheers from high-end, creative-class consumers like business analysts, media designers and music producers.As Hayley Tsukayama remarked at The Washington Post, the Surface Studio, one of Microsofts new products, is really just a super

11、-sized version of the Surface Books product that Microsoft has been selling for years. But if youve ever watched science fiction movies like Minority report-where Tom Cruise seems to operate pictures and data hanging on mid-air by touching them, spreading his fingers to increase on details, and send

12、ing files and information sliding from one folder to another with a click of the fingers, you can see how Microsoft is trying to show the same experience.Meanwhile, apples new products were almost like some fine promotions for its Apple TV. They boast(炫耀)that the new Macbook Pros has a smaller size

13、and more functions, and a new touch screen bar on laptop keyboards where function keys used to be.So whats going on? In many ways, Apple is focusing on attracting the average consumers who have been attracted by Microsoft. And Microsoft is focusing on targeting the high-end professionals Apple has h

14、istorically been associated with. You can even see this is the companies ad campaigns: Microsofts ads stress imagination and creativity, while Apple,s commercial chief performance and convenience of its Macbooks.So Apple is trying to control the world of devices and laptops from the top down, starti

15、ng with the high-end market and moving on to appeal to a broader base of consumers. Microsoft, having already strengthened itself within the bigger low-end market, is now attempting the opposite with a bottom-up strategy. Will these succeed? Time will tell.1、What can we learn from the first paragraph?AMicrosofts new products made a big hit.BApples products aim at high-end consumers.CApple and Microsoft developed the same products.


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