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1、考研英语一2023年佛山市三水区最后冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Twelve-year-old Allen decided to leave home city and make a living by himself because his family was too poor.Befor

2、e he left,his father asked him what he was going to do.Allen answered,“I want to learn 1 performance.”His father was 2 with his answer, “What? No, you cant do that. Circus is the place for clowns in many peoples eyes. Our family will be 3 of you.”But Allen 4 , “Our family is so poor right now. Which

3、 is more important to you, 5 or clothing and food? I will give you some money every month from the circus. It probably will be a huge 6 .” His father was very 7 , “If you go there, somebody will know about it very soon and Ill be very 8 .”After going 9 a lot of difficulties,Allen finally found a cir

4、cus and convinced the 10 to let him stay. He worked very hard studying magic and lived with animals.Every month, his parents would get a 11 from him. But they never knew his address. They knew the money was from Allen but when people asked them about Allens 12 , they never told them the truth. Later

5、, his parents received more and more money from him.Then,a 13 named Albert became very famous in the whole world.Everyone thought 14 of his performance. Lots of people hurried to see his performance from far away.One day, Allens father went to visit a relative in another 15 . The relative paid a lot

6、 of money for tickets of Albert the magicians show. Allens father went to the show with the relative. During the show, Allens father got totally 16 by the magicians tricks. When the magician took off his 17 ,the father found Albert was his son,Allen.Allen recognized his father. His father 18 him, “W

7、hy did you change your name?”“Because you said you would be embarrassed for me.”“But nobody will 19 the famous magician is my son Allen.”We want all the best things in life and avoid the bad past. However, every good thing comes at a 20 . You cant have them all without giving up something.1、AmusicBt



10、AknowBdoubtCadmitDacknowledge20、AreasonBpointCrewardDpriceSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Semi-retired advertising agency owner Steph

11、en Thomas, 58 , has been investing on and off for the past 30 years. He made money in the.dotcom boom but got his fingers burned when the bubble burst in March 2000. When he got access to his pension he decided to start investing again, this time with the help of his son Sam.Now the two meet up most

12、 afternoons at Stephens home in Sandbach , Cheshire to talk about investments. The day starts at 7 am when Sam looks at company announcements online. These regulatory announcements can include a firms accounts , general updates or news of mergers(合并) or acquisitions. Sam flags up companies that he t

13、hinks look interesting to his dad who then does some more research.Each has an ISA (Individual Savings Account) with AJ Bell , which they use to buy individual stocks and shares. It is a risky way to invest but the two like doing their own research on companies and Stephen makes an effort to go to i

14、nvestor presentations and try to meet the CEO and directors of the firms they invest in and to speak to other investors in the companies.They have invested in oil companies and pet care businesses , to name just a few. But while the investments of the two men are similar, they do have different appr

15、oaches. While Sam likes to hold shares for the long term as he is saving money for his future retirement , Stephen likes to buy with any profits he makes.Sam says, “We do not argue because we have separate ISAs. It means finally we make our own decisions about which shares to invest in. The only time we might have a disagreement is when we both want to use the login for the news service at the same time.”1、What happened to Stephen in 2000?



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