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1、考研英语一四川省甘孜藏族自治州炉霍县2023年临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)On a cold November afternoon,my mother and 1 were walking home from a 1 We were dressed 2 1 was feeling a lit

2、tle 3 as 1 was carrying our shopping,and decided to throw away somethingSo I started to walk towards a 4 when I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of usHe 5 over to another nearby dustbin and started looking through itI suddenly felt very guilty because 1 was about to throw aw

3、ay a new drink just because it was 6 1 walked up to him and handed the 7 and some snacks over to himThe man looked up 8 and took what I gave himA huge smile 9 across his face and this 10 me to feel indescribable satisfactionI felt I couldnt be happier 11 myselfBut then he said:“Wow,this is my sons l

4、ucky day!”With that,he thanked me happily and started off on his bike,I 12 heard him whistling a song as he rode awayI got a warm 13 insideI now understand 14 is meant by the saying “giving is getting”Although it only 15 ,I gained and learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the m

5、onthEveryone in the world needs 16 ,everyone can 17 help and everyone will be helped by 18 kindnessThe image of that mans happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind every 19 I have the chance to do something niceThis is the 20 of charity1、AstoreBschoolChospitalDfactory2、ApoorlyBcoldlyCwarm

6、lyDexpensively3、AgladBinterestedCboredDtired4、AstreetBdustbinCtoiletDcorner5、AwalkedBlookedCthoughtDtook6、AcheapBheavyCtastelessDfull7、AmoneyBtoysCdrinkDclothes8、Ain silenceBin surpriseCin interestDin a hurry9、AspreadBcameCwentDran10、AforcedBhelpedCmadeDcaused11、AwithBtoCatDfor12、AstillBneverCevenDe

7、ver13、AopinionBmindCideaDfeeling14、AwhichBwhatCthatDit15、AcostBtookCspentDasked16、A1oveBmoneyChelpDdrink17、AgiveBsendCofferDhave18、AshowingBexpressingC1endingDsaying19、AmomentBdayCminuteDtime20、AaimBmeaningCstrengthDpowerSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts.

8、 Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1As I sit at home thinking about my upcoming ad-venture and the things I need to bring, it makes me even more excited to begin my travel. I will be making my way around the world.Th

9、e first places on the list arc Andalusia and Africa in the book The Alchemist. I will need to pack a lot of stuff and make sure I have enough money to provide myself with food and enough to drink. The Sahara desert is always hot and requires plenty of water.Next I will head to Mexico in the book Bor

10、n to Run, where I will encounter the Tarahumara Indian tribe. I will need to get into shape and do some jogging if I want to keep up with them while running. I will have to pack my running shoes, though, because the Tarahumarans have mastered the art of running on the tough land.After Mexico, my jou

11、rney takes me to the Egyptian desert in the novel The Paris Vendetta. There I hope to help uncover an ancient conspiracy (阴谋) that goes back centuries. Just like my trip to Andalusia 91 will have to make sure I have plenty of water. Packing the Camelbak products seems like the best idea, so I will h

12、ave water on hand at all times. I expect this adventure to be quite interesting, and I am very excited about it.Lastly, I will make my way back to America in the book Shattered: Struck Down, But Not Destroyed. This makes me feel excited because like the main character in the book, I also wanted to b

13、ecome a professional athlete when I was younger. For this trip, I will go with an open mind and hopefully meet some friends along the way.I am ready to embark on my adventure of traveling, and I cannot wait any longer!1、According to the passage, the Tarahumara Indian tribe .Asettles in Africa Blives

14、 in a desertCis good at running Dneeds running shoes2、The Camelbak products are probably made to .Ahelp people do jogging exerciseBsupply people with waterCprotect people from the sunDshow people the right direction3、The underlined words “embark on” in the last paragraph probably mean “ ”.Astart Bpr

15、epareCfinish Drecord4、What would be the best title for the passage?AEveryone should travel around the world.BTraveling makes people wise,CMy traveling experience.DMy travel plan.Text 2 Self-driving cars are so popular that the University of Michigan has even established a town called Mcity to allow car manufacturers to safely test their autonomous cars.While Mcity can be used to simulate(模拟)many real-life road conditions,it cant help tes


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