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1、考研英语一黑龙江省牡丹江市林口县2023年最后冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My husband Bills Grandma was in a nursing home when we moved back to Michigan. Grandma had been unable to walk

2、for quite some time; now her eyesight was almost gone.Over the years Grandma and I had 1 many cards and letters. I knew how she enjoyed 2 in touch with people. Grandma would have me write letters to go in the cards she would send. And she would always have me 3 what I had written back to her. Grandm

3、a didnt have a problem with hearing then 4 she was always telling me, “That is not 5 how I said that!” I would then rewrite whatever I wrote in her exact words.Since I had some 6 time before Christmas, I asked Grandma if she would like to send 7 some Christmas cards. Grandma readily 8 . I rounded up

4、 several different kinds of cards. I knew she had friends and family who all had different 9 . I would take each card and 10 in detail the front of the card, then I would read the words inside.After 11 it over Grandma would tell me who she thought would like 12 card.After a while I 13 and I noticed

5、that we had several nursing home 14 standing in the doorway. I started to notice as I read each card, the 15 on their faces and Grandmas face, too. Each one had a 16 smile and a faraway look in their eyes, as they were seeing the scenes in their minds eye.I thought when I went over to do the Christm

6、as 17 I would be doing Grandma a favor, but it 18 that she did me a big favor. Ill always 19 this special memory of bringing some Christmas joy and pleasant 20 to Grandma and her fellow residents(居民).1、Aexchanged Bchanged Ctraded Dswitched2、Asettling Blosing Ckeeping Dgetting3、Awrite Bdiscover Ctran

7、slate Dread4、Awhen Bbecause Cwhile Dthough5、Acarefully Btruthfully Cspecially Dexactly6、Afree Bflying Cessential Dvaluable7、Afor Bup Cout Daway8、Aacknowledged Bagreed Cadmitted Drejected9、Aaddresses Badvantages Coccupations Dinterests10、Adescribe Bjoin Clook Dignore11、Atalking Bturning Ctaking Dthin

8、king12、Aanother Beach Cone Dother13、Alooked down Blooked over Clooked up Dlooked through14、Agraduates Bvisitors Cpatients Dresidents15、Aattention Blook Cglance Dsight16、Agentle Bloose Cupset Ddevoted17、Atrees Bjobs Cdecorations Dcards18、Aturned to Bturned out Ccame over Dleft out19、Atreasure Badmire

9、 Cencourage Drecognize20、Astories Bfaces Cmemories DlettersSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Last summer my daughters school was blown

10、up. No students were harmed, but the main building was completely destroyed, as well as the nearby dorms.Before you start trying to ask when this horrible act took place on U. S. soil, I should mention that this attack didnt happen in reality, rather in my daughters carefully constructed Minecraft w

11、orld. During an online journey with a few friends, a stranger came to her school and bombed the school she had carefully built. In a minute, her school was ruined. Sure, no actual property(财产)was damaged. But the emotional pain she felt was very much real. She thought this was a form of terrorism.I

12、shared this act of absurd online violence on my Facebook page, and fellow parents with Minecraft-loving children were just as shocked as I was. I had thought this was a unique experience, and my daughter was just unlucky that this happened to her. But, as it turned out, she was far from alone. The a

13、cts were performed by computer bullies(暴徒) known as “griefers”. The platform that my daughter was playing was the Minecraft: Pocket Edition(PE)version, which is popular with younger players. While she once only played in creative mode(模式), she began to play in the multi-player mode so that she and a

14、 few friends from school could build and create together. That multi-player choice made it possible for a stranger, one of these “griefers”, to do damage.It was a painful lesson for my daughter that dangers happened suddenly. She understood we have to protect ourselves from bad people in the real wo

15、rld. Still, there was some goodness that came out of the ruins. Many fellow players of hers took the time to help her rebuild her school, which has been set up again. She is moved. Also, this experience opened her eyes.1、What was the result of the daughters school being blown up?AAll the buildings but the dorms were ruined.B



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