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1、2023年扬州市宝应县考研英语一模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115小题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。“The important thing is not to stop quest

2、ioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. ” Albert EinsteinIts no secret that curiosity makes learning more effective and 1 Curious students not only ask questions, but also 2 seek out the answers. Without 3 , Sir Isaac Newton would have never put forward the laws of physics, Alexander Flem

3、ing probably wouldnt have 4 penicillin (青霉素),and Marie Curies pioneering research on radioactivity may not exist.Curiosity is just as 5 as intelligence in determining how well students do in school. Curiosity 6 the brain for learning. As we all known, were more likely to 7 what weve learned when the

4、 subject matter interests us. Actually, curiosity also helpsus learn information wedont consider 8 or important. So if a teacher is able to 9 students curiosity, theyll be betterprepared to learn things that they would normally consider boring or difficult. For instance, if a student struggles with

5、10 , personalizing math problem tomatch their specific interest could help them 11 remember how to go about solving similar math problems in the future.However, scientists think that there arestill a few things that remain 12 about curiositys role in learning. For one thing, scientists have yet to d

6、etermine its long-term effects. For instance, if a students curiosity is aroused at the 13 of a school day, will it help them better absorb information all day long? Another thing the 14 are keen to investigate is why some people are more 15 curious than others, and which factors most influence how

7、curious we are.1、Aenjoyable Bimpossible Cdifficult Davoidable2、Alazily Bactively Cdependently Dnegatively3、Aenergy Bcuriosity Ctechnology Dsecret4、Ainvented Bdiscovered Cheard Dlearned5、Aimportant Beasy Csensitive Dheavy6、Ablames Bsearches Cbegs Dprepares7、Aremember Bdislike Cforgive Dabandon8、Ainte

8、resting Bboring Cfriendly Dawful9、Aarouse Bremove Crecord Dmiss10、Aphysics Bchemistry Cmath Dbiology11、Abetter Bless Clouder Dharder12、Adistinct Bunclear Ccertain Dconfident13、Abeginning Bend Cage Dtime14、Ateachers Bstudents Cresearchers Dpolice15、Aimmediately Bindifferently Cnaturally DseriouslySec

9、tion II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Is there a way to turn back the aging process in people? For centuries, people have been looking for a “

10、fountain of youth.” The idea is that if you find a magical fountain, and drink its water, you will not age.Researchers in New York did not find an actual fountain of youth, but they may have found a way to turn back the aging process. It appears that the answer may be called the hypothalamus, which

11、is part of your brain. It controls important body activities, including growth, the way we process food and so on.Researchers at New Yorks Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that hypothalamus neural stem cells (干细胞) also influence how fast aging takes place.Dongsheng Cai, a professor at the A

12、lbert Einstein College of Medicine, was the leading researcher in a study on aging in mice. He and his team reported their findings.“Aging speed can be controlled by a particular place in the body, which is the hypothalamus. And it can be controlled by a particular type of cells, which are hypothala

13、mus stem cells.” He adds that when the hypothalamus starts aging, so does the body. So when hypothalamus function is in decline, particularly the loss of hypothalamus stem cells, and this protection against the aging development is lost, it eventually leads to aging.Using this information, the resea

14、rchers began trying to activate the hypothalamus in laboratory mice. They did this by injecting the animals with stem cells.The researchers say the results show that the treatment slowed aging in the animals. “When we injected the hypothalamus stem cells to the middle-aged mice, the mice aged slowly

15、 and they can also live longer.”But these results were just from studying mice in a laboratory. If the mice can live longer, does that mean people could have longer lives? The next step is to see if the anti-aging effects also work in human beings.“If we can translate what we have seen in animals to humans, I think humans can function better during later ages.” Cai and his team say their studies may have other benefits. They say the findings could



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