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1、考研英语一赤城县2023年统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A great many people are disappointed because of unrealistic expectations.Walking up to a department stores cloth counter,

2、 a(n) 1 young woman said, “I want to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?”“Only one 2 per yard,” replied the smirking (自鸣得意的) male clerk.Not to be taken back by the funny words, the woman said,” Thats fine! Ill take ten yards.”With 3 written all over his face, the clerk 4 measur

3、ed out and wrapped the cloth, then held it out teasingly, 5 forward to receive his “ 6 .The woman got the package quickly from the clerk and pointed to a little old man standing beside her. “Grandpa will pay the bill instead of me,” she 7 He was no doubt disappointed. But in the course of living, ma

4、ny people are 8 when others do not 9 their expectations. In order to be happy, some expectations must be dropped. These three particular 10 and unhealthy expectations are some of the main causes:1. Expect too much 11 When others say, “Thank you,” or in any way to show their gratitude, be happy. It i

5、s a gift!2. Expect others to make you happy. They simply cannot do that. Make yourself happy and 12 your joy with others.3. Expect not to be 13 . At times, people will simply not come through for you in the way you need 14 them and move on.Get rid of these three unrealistic expectations and you can

6、begin to expect more 15 right away!1、AtrickyBattractiveCuglyDgenerous2、AkissBpayCdollarDcent3、AhappinessBenjoymentCexpectationDcourage4、AhurriedlyBslowlyCpatientlyDcuriously5、AsettingBsittingCleaningDtaking6、ArewardBpaymentCbonusDmoney7、AsmiledBbeggedCwavedDthought8、AencouragedBdisappointedCannoyedD

7、surprised9、Alive up toBgo againstCgo withoutDhope for10、AreasonableBproperCunimportantDunrealistic11、AprofitBkissCappreciationDdisappointment12、AspareBshareCmakeDcontrol13、Aput downBlet downCtaken downDthrown down14、AForgiveBPunishCBlameDPraise15、AhappinessBencouragementCexcitementDprideSection II R

8、eading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The Alexander techniqueUntil earlier this year, I didnt know anything about the Alexander techniqueand saw no rea

9、son to think I should. One day, the backache I regularly suffered was more painful. I was brought up to think that the preferred way of dealing with aches is to do nothing and hope theyll go away, but I eventually went to the doctor. After examining me, he said, “You actually have bad posture (姿势).

10、Go off and learn the Alexander technique.” Three months later I could walk straighter and sit better.The Alexander technique is a way of learning how you can get rid of harmful tension in your body. The teaching focuses on the neck, head and back. It trains you to use your body less severely and car

11、ry out the movements that we do all the time with less effort. There is little effort in the lessons themselves, which sets apart the Alexander technique from yoga or pilates, which are exercise-based. A typical lesson involves standing in front of a chair and learning to sit and stand with minimum

12、effort. You spend some time lying on a bench with your knees bent to straighten the spine (脊椎) and relax your body while the teacher moves your arms and legs to train you to move them correctly.The technique helps to break the bad habits accumulated over years. Try folding your arms the opposite way

13、 to normal. This is an example of a habit the body has formed which can be hard to break. Many of us carry our heads too far back. The head weighs four to six kilos, so any inappropriate posture can cause problems for the body. The technique teaches you to let go of the muscles holding the head back

14、, allowing it to go back to its natural place on the top of our spines.So who was Alexander and how did he come up with the technique? Frederick Alexander, an Australian actor born in 1869, found in his youth that he had vocal (声音的) problems during performances. He analyzed himself and realized his

15、posture was bad. He worked on improving it, with excellent results. He brought his technique to London and opened a teacher-training school, which is still successful today.So if youre walking along the road one day with shoulders bent forward, feeling weighed down by your troubles, give a thought to the Alexander technique. It will help you walk tall again.1、What does the author suggest in Paragraph 1?AShe felt no better after the treatment.BShe got bored with the Alexander technique.CShe was sceptical about the doctors metho



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