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1、2023年贵州省贵阳市南明区考研英语一预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文、掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The poachers-illegal hunters

2、-had finally found a buyer for their stolen goodsA meeting was 3 6 ,and when the buyer asked to see the goods, they brought out a small duffel bag and un-zippedhInside was a 37 one-year-old baby gorillaThe poachers had likely killed the little females parents and 3 8 her in the forests of the Democr

3、atic Republic of the Congo, in AfricaThen they took her across the border into Rwanda, 39 to sell her as a pet But the buyer didnt bring 40 ;he brought the policeThe Rwandan authorities 41 the young gorilla to the nearby headquarters of the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary ProjectThe vets(兽医)there realiz

4、ed that she had not been given 42 food or water, but they were much more worried about something elseBaby gorillas simply dont 43 without their mothers constant body contact, says vet Chris WhittierIf they didnt quickly establish a 44 relationship with the baby gorilla, which her caretakers named Du

5、nia, she 45 not survive Dunia needed contact, but she resisted 46 at first, shying away from people who reached for herThree caretakers worked in shifts, taking 47 holding her, carrying her around on their backs, and cradling her while she slept48 she became stronger,a month after she was res-cued h

6、er 49 revealed the psychological stress she carried inside-much of her hair fell out That was a delayed 50 to the combined traumatic experiences of losing her parents and being kept-with a poor diet-by the poachers After six months ofloving care that included around-the-clock attention,a good diet,

7、and a 5 1 home at the projects headquarters, Dunia was looking and acting like a 52 ,happy young gorilla should Dunia is sort of a shy show-off, says Whittier Her 53 lsgrowing and shes becoming more independent, but when she is 54 ,the first thing she does is run back to her 55 ,just like she would

8、to her mother1、AattendedBheldCarrangedDdelayed2、AenergeticBterrifiedCdangerousDfierce3、AfreedBfollowedCtrickedDcaught4、AintendingBpretendingCrememberingDwondering5、AluckBbenefitCprofitDmoney6、AintroducedBpersuadedCpresentedDrushed7、A,localAdeliciousBenoughCfresh8、AcomplainBdevelopCsurviveDgrow9、Asoc


10、ctionBconfidenceCinterestDpatience19、AtouchedBleftCwamedDscared20、AhomeBforestCcaretakersDcomerSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1It war

11、med my heart today to walk into the Thirsty Camel downtown in the Thanksgiving Day, for a quick lunch before a haircut and library trip. Ihan, a food shop owner, said that he was refusing to take money today because it was Buy Nothing Day. To increase awareness(意识) of the strange over spending natur

12、e of our society, Ilan suggested a trade for food today. He simply asked that you offer something of equal personal value for the meal you received.At first I was really uncomfortable, wondering if it would be fair to exchange a yet to be determined “I Owe You” (IOU) for food? What could I give him

13、of equal value? After all, his food is the best in the town!We ended up writing our IOUs with promises of a book, some paintings and the offer of work in a variety of ways if he needs it.I think the idea isnt that the trade is equal so much as the importance of the kind of transaction. We put though

14、t into our offer and we had an even greater understanding for the meals we ate.We dont buy a lot, especially at this upcoming time of year. We dont give gifts at all in fact. The holiday time is spent enjoying each others company and doing things together with family and friends. This is what seems

15、most sensible.Ilan is a good person. We are all lucky to have someone like this in our community.1、Ilan did not take any money that day in order to_.Ahave a quick lunch before a haircut and library tripBbuy nothing that day to save some moneyCmake people aware of their over spendingDtrade for something of equal value in return2、For the meal, the author finally offered Ilan _.Asome promises Ba bookCsome paintings Dwork in different ways3、Which



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