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1、考研英语一2023年宿松县高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In 1982, I was a young marketing person in a company in Mumbai. I had a very senior colleague named Paul, who taught me

2、 how to 36 marketing effectively and how to deal with life 37 .It was one of those 38 daysmanagement, sales calls, planning my travel schedule, booking hotels, arranging appointments and the 39 was endless. By the end of the day, I was not only exhausted but was getting 40 . It was at this time that

3、 Paul invited me to his house to have a rest.We made our way to Pauls house. Although 41 after a days hard work, I was excited to chat with Paul and 42 his rich experience in marketing. As we entered his house 43 the main door, Paul started singing his favourite song, I have a dream. I was in no 44

4、to listen to his song. I only wanted to hear about how he handled 45 sales calls.As I leaned over Pauls shoulder to tell him that, two young girls walked up to Paul and hugged him. They couldnt walk steadily, and neither could they talk 46 , but their faces were full of 47 and they also sang a song:

5、 No mummys kisses only daddys smiles; nobody wants us, and daddy hugs us tonight.I was watching what was going on, totally 48 in the beautiful singing, when Paul tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to sit down. 49 to know, I asked Paul who these girls were. To my 50 , Paul told me they were his d

6、aughters and they were born as “ 51 children” (mentally disabled). His wife died and he was both Mother and Father to them.I was moved to tears. In the office, no one knew what Paul was 52 in his personal life. He never looked for 53 from his friends and colleagues. On the contrary, he always helped

7、 us at the office. And being head of the Department, he always 54 us to move forward in life.Pauls life has been a great 55 to me. If a man can smile through these troubles, nothing can prevent him from achieving success in work or life.1、AdoBreduceClearnDhandle2、AcalmlyBcheerfullyChurriedlyDquickly


9、wly12、AfearBscarsCsmilesDtears13、AcaughtBlostCstuckDtrapped14、ACuriousBKeenCStrangeDStubborn15、AdisappointedBjoyCreliefDsurprise16、AtalentedBnaughtyCspecialDhomeless17、Acoming acrossBgoing throughCdealing withDputting on18、AsympathyBopinionsCrequirement Dfriendship19、AallowedBtrainedCforcedDencourag

10、ed20、AconfusionBchallengeCinspirationDimpressionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 In todays society , language plays a key role in def

11、ining gender (性别) by vocabulary, and also their non-verbal (非语言的) vocabulary. Each one of these different types of ways of communicating is obviously different between men and women.Many different studies show that men tend to talk much more than women. It has also been proven that women tend to spe

12、ak faster than men; this is due to the fact that women tend to be interrupted more often than men are, and also have the ability to speak more clearly, precisely, and more quickly than men. In one study it was found that women spoke for an average of three minutes describing a painting, as opposed t

13、o the thirteen-minute average it took men to describe it.Men and women also tend to have a very different non-verbal way of communicating, which can also make it very hard for one another to understand what the opposite sex is trying to say. Mens body language is much more reserved when talking to w

14、omen. Men tend not to make as much eye contact and they generally stay farther away from women when talking to them. Men avoid other peoples body space while talking, and they also tend to sit back when talking. All of these have given off the impression of disinterest or boredom. Women are by far b

15、etter listeners and much more enjoyable to talk with and they tend to raise more topics for conversation.Women also make it clearer whether or not the conversation is going somewhere or just stuck in neutral. After learning about our styles of communicating with each other, I have decided that although men have not quite mastered communicating, what fun would it be if we all spoke the same “language”? The little games men and women play with each other while conversing would be lost.


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