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1、考研英语一2023年六枝特区预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)“Dad. I want to run for the student union. Can you help me?”Just last week, Ian, my eldest son asked me this question. A

2、s a 1 . I was excited my son wanted me to help him for such an important 2 . The student union for a fifth grader is a 3 deal. It is like the presidential 4 for 10 and 11-year-old candidates. 5 this event would be life changing based on Ians 6 of its significance(意义).“I will help you with your speec

3、h, Ian. 7 do you want to get started?”“Lets do it tonight after dessert!”The moment had arrived. We sat at the table. I figured I would start the process by asking him the 8 questions:1. Why do y ou want to run for the student union?2. What will you do as a member of the student union?3. Why are you

4、 the best person to 9 for?Three questions were provided to Ian on a small sheet of paper. He read the questions and 10 replied. “I dont know! You are a writer, and you are 11 to help me write this 12 !”I 13 my head and replied, “My definition(定义) of help may be a little 14 from yours. When you say h

5、elp I think you mean doing it for you. When I say help I mean 15 you through the processhelping you learn and grow. ”At last, being the father that I am, who 16 his children improperly, I wrote the speech the night before the event. Then Ian stood in front of the class, recited the words aloud and .

6、 17 the election. My words were not what the kids were looking forward to hearing. They wanted to hear from Ian.In our times of deepest 18 , we often find ourselves asking others for help. It is during these 19 that we have to make sure we are 20 he right type of help but not the wrong type.1、Awrite

7、r Bprofessor Cjournalist Dteacher2、Aprogram Bceremony Cproblem Doccasion3、Aimportant Bbig Ccheap Dconvenient4、Apromotion Bcompetition Celection Dspeech5、AHolding BOrganizing CSupporting DWinning6、Aunderstanding Bage Cconcept Deffort7、AHow BWhen CWhere DWhat8、Afollowing Bprevious Cimportant Ddifficul

8、t9、Astand Bapply Csearch Dvote10、Aquickly Bcarefully Cangrily Dhurriedly11、Alikely Bwilling Ckeen Dsupposed12、Aletter Barticle Cspeech Dcomposition13、Alowered Bshook Ctouched Dnodded14、Adifficult Bdistant Cabsent Ddifferent15、Aseeing Bputting Cgoing Dassisting16、Atreated Bfed Cloved Dpunished17、Aend

9、ed Blost Cbegan Dwon18、Aneed Bemotion Cheart Dhelp19、Ayears Bmoments Cweeks Ddays20、Alooking for Blooking forwards Clooking through Dlooking upSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answ

10、ers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1As the weather costs you a loss on trains and flights, we look at your rights.Cancelled trainsOn a single ticket, a passenger will usually receive 25% of the fare if the train is delayed by 15 minutes. If the delay reaches 30 minutes, the compensation(补偿金)ri

11、ses to 50%, and if its over an hour you should be able to reclaim the whole cost. Clear arrangements vary according to train operators(运营商).If you were due to travel, to say Aberdeen from London, your train is cancelled and you decide not to travel, you can get a full compensation. If you had a non-

12、cancelable ticket with one operator, and failed to make that train because the connecting train was delayed, you can take the next available train.FlightsIf your flight is cancelled because of the snow you have the right to s full compensation of the ticket, or to be rerouted home on a later flight.

13、But you will have no right to get a delay or cancellation compensation under EU rules, because the snow is an extraordinary circumstance beyond the airlines control. If you dont take the compensation and choose to be rerouted, and it means you are stuck at the airport overnight, its the airlines dut

14、y to pay for a reasonably priced hotel room and meals.The airline has to reroute you at the earliest opportunity, or at the passengers free time, you are supposed to take the availability of seats.If you choose to be rerouted or if your departure is delayed by more than two hours, airlines also have

15、 to provide assistance such as food. The airlines keep this quiet and getting the money out of the low-cost operators can be a hard job. Keep evidence of cancellations, all receipts, and use your mobile to video any offer to pay by airline staff.1、What is your compensation determined by when your trains are delayed du


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