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1、考研英语一2023年泸州市合江县模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In high school I had a math teacher, Mrs. Davies, who took her job seriously and expected her students to put forth th

2、e same degree of commitment (付出). Strict but fair, she held our attention with her great method. One of her 1 was for students who were more advanced academically. I chose to 2 it and soon realized that the course was a bit over my head. I 3 with the complex problems that others seemed to learn with

3、out much effort.One Friday we were tested 4 our ability to use a theorem (定理) that no one in the class thoroughly understood. The teacher would 5 our papers based on our ability to progress through the problem which easily filled two pages of formulaic notations (公式符号). I was absolutely 6 . Finally,

4、 I didnt use the required theorem. Instead, I decided to use more familiar theorems to arrive at an 7 . I knew I had failed because I hadnt done the 8 assignment. I became resigned (顺从) to my fate.Our test papers were 9 back the following Monday. Everyone received a C except for me. To my surprise,

5、I received an A. I 10 that there must be a mistake. I watched 11 as the teacher approached my desk, smiled, and asked for my test 12 back. She then went back to copy my work onto the blackboard, 13 the class how I had arrived at the correct answer. Mathematics is meant to be a creative tool, pushing

6、 our minds to a rewarding answer, she said with confidence. 14 I didnt use the required theorem, she seemed really proud of how Id worked through the problem. The class saw her fold my test paper and put it into her textbook. She announced that it would be 15 with future classes.My teacher would hav

7、e been justified (合理的) in giving me a 16 grade. Instead, she used the 17 to deeply influence a student who often struggled. And after forty years, I still cherish the 18 . It helped change my self-image. I 19 up to a broad boundary of possibilities which has made my life an adventure. She understood

8、 that teaching went beyond strict demands and could be used to 20 Thank you, Mrs. Davies.1、AwaysBtasksCtestsDclasses2、ArunBtakeCteachDlike3、AcomparedBstruggledCconnectedDargued4、AonBatCinDfor5、AexplainBcollectCprintDgrade6、AtiredBcuriousClostDsatisfied7、AeffectBendCanswerDinterest8、AcompletedBproved


10、、ApossibilityBcreationCintentionDopportunity18、AchangeBmemoryCschoolDlife19、AopenedBkeptCmadeDlooked20、AlearnBsurviveCinspireDmanageSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the

11、ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Scientists would like to place a huge mirror in space above the earth. It might be sixty miles wide. It would be used to catch the rays (光线) of the sun. It would direct the suns rays upon the earth as a child might do to make sunlight dance on the wall with a hand mirr

12、or.Why do they want to do this? The suns rays could be helpful in many ways. They could light up cities by night. The warm rays could stop frosts (霜冻) which might come at night and hurt fruit crops. They could melt (融化) dangerous icebergs in the ocean. Perhaps they could change cloud movements and b

13、ring rain where it is needed.1、The huge mirror would _.Astand 60 miles in height (高度)Bbe 60 miles from side to sideCcover 60 miles of the earthDbe 60 miles above the earth2、The mirror would be used to _.Areflect (反射) sunlightBabsorb (吸收) sunlightCsee what the earth looks likeDsee how clouds move3、Th

14、e strong light from the mirror could possibly _.Ahurt fruit cropsBset fire to citiesCbring longer daytimeDshine through walls4、The huge mirror is _.Asomething in a storyBalready madeCjust an ideaDto be made soonText 2Haad Farang (Haad Sai Yao),KohMukThis small but striking bay in Thailand has waters

15、 free from riptides(激流),making it safe for families to play water in the sun.As its nickname impliesFarang is Thai for foreignersyoull find a large concentration of backpackers here.Still,with only a couple of simple food shops,its a far cry from the noises of Chaweng beach on Koh Samui or Kamala on Phuket,which makes it to be one of the top tourist destinations.Rent a sea kay


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