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1、2023年曲靖市罗平县考研英语一模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)An anxious father,was worriedly sitting outside an operation room.Having met with a bad accident,his son was lying 1 i

2、nside.For the father,every moment seemed longer than a year.Suddenly a doctor 2 towards the operation room.The father just could not control his 3 ,“My son is lying on the 4 table for so long!”The doctor 5 the father and said,This is the 6 I could reach.Please dont 7 .”Then he continued running to t

3、he operation room. The father became even angrier,How 8 you said not to worry!You doctors have no 9 at all!”An hour passed;three more hours went by;the father then began to think of all the 10 things that he might have to hear once the doctor finished the marathon operation. 11 ,the doctor came out

4、of the room.Before the father could ask him 12 ,the doctor said,“Your son is fine now.”land rushed away.The father became angry again.He shouted at the nurse,“How proud!What does he think of himself?He has done no 13 to me at all!It is his 14 to serve his patients.”The nurse requested him to 15 down

5、 and said,Im sorry,sir.Your son is out of 16 .The doctor who operated on your son was in the graveyard(基地)when we called him 17 your son was brought here.His son 18 away last night.Before leaving,the doctor gave me all the necessary 19 .”Dont 20 before knowing the whole truth.1、Aunconscious Bunwilli

6、ng Cregretful Dhopeless2、Awalked Blooked Cdrove Drushed3、Afear Bpain Csorrow Danger4、Adinning Boperation Cwriting Dwork5、Alooked down on Btook care of Cstared at Dlaughed at6、Aearliest Blatest Chardest Dfarthest7、Aworry Bcry Chesitate Dquarrel8、Astressfully Beasily Cpatiently Dembarrassedly9、Aabilit

7、ies Bcourage Cfeelings Dspirits10、Adangerous Burgent Cfavorite Dworst11、AQuickly BGradually CFinally DImmediately12、Awhy Banything Cwhen Deverything13、Afavour Bwrong Cgood Dharm14、Aduty Bproblem Cdream Dchance15、Abreak Bcalm Cset Dfall16、Asight Border Cdanger Dcontrol17、Abefore Balthough Cas long as

8、 Das soon as18、Awalked. Bpassed Cgot Dran19、Apossessions Bassignments Cinstructions Drequests20、Areply Bimagine Cregret . DconcludeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the A

9、NSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Years ago,my wife and I volunteered at a homeless shelter in downtown Los Angeles,US,preparing meals for thousands of people.I got to talk with one of the guys in line,Albert.He said he liked my socks.“Want to see mine?”he asked,lifting his leg.He was barefoot.He said h

10、e had been meaning to buy a pair but he hadnt got around to it.I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.The next day,after work,I stopped at Ross and filled up a cart with socks.I stuffed my trunk with them.That next morning,I set my alarm for 5 a.m.and drove over to Santa Monicas Palisades Park,which

11、 is a common destination for homeless people.I took one of the bags from my trunk.It was still darkout.I headed for a group of three men,standing around a tree,probably using it as a windbreaker.Two were asleep under heavy blankets,and the third was digging through his collection.As I walked toward

12、him,he watched me,perhaps questioning my motives.“I thought you guys might need some fresh new socks,”I said,handing him a pair.He looked confused at first but took them and said,“Thank you.”I gave him two more pairs for his friends.I moved on.An hour later,I had given out all the socks.Most people

13、were sleeping,and I felt like Santa.I knew that when they woke up they would find a very meaningful present.That was nine years ago.Every week Ill hand out as many socks as I can.If Im on vacation or on a business trip for more than a week,I bring a bag of socks with me and hand them out to the home

14、less on the streets in other states and countries.Its extremely satisfying to operate “under the radar” to help make some peoples lives a little bit easier.Part of me hopes to see Albert out there one of these days,but even if I dont,I like to think one of the pairs will find him.1、What caused the a

15、uthor to hand out socks to the homeless?AAlberts desire to get free socks.BThe approach of Christmas Day.CHis hard work at a homeless shelter.DThe conversation between him and Albert.2、Which is true about the author according to the passage?AHe believed it felt good to help the homeless.BHe went to Ross to buy a pair of socks for Albert.


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