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1、考研英语一2023年蓬溪县模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In last few decades, terror attacks have become a great threat all over the world. They have aroused countless thoughts 1

2、 me down. What can I do for those 2 people, the very victims and refugees.Last month when I got on a train, I took my seat 3 the carriage so that I would be facing forward. Later, a mother with her three children, one girl and two boys, 4 into the row of seats in front of me. The clothes the woman w

3、as wearing were so 5 that I dont think you can find any 6 of the clothes at any shop. I was completely 7 by their beautiful simplicity. Clearly, they were not expensive, fancy or from a famous designer, 8 they were priceless.The little girls eyes and mine met and locked. She 9 and stared at me. I wo

4、uld receive the gift I had been longing for. I had 10 to connect with people from a culture that was recently suffering and in my 11 was a warm Pakistani family. I had a talk with her using the standard conversation 12 : How old are you? Where do you study? 13 as she was, the depth and width of our

5、conversation reached an amazing height. 14 was even more important was the unspoken talk. Her smile and trust 15 touched me.Our 50 minutes together 16 quickly but we will be always in each others hearts. Ive learned a great 17 from this experience: we all need to open our doors 18 others can come in

6、. Meanwhile, something amazing will happen when you 19 to others, because people come in 20 beautiful gifts.1、Apulling Btaking Cweighing Dcutting2、Adisturbed Binspired Cdisabled Ddepressed3、Aon the top of Bin the front of Cin the middle of Dat the end of4、Awalked Bbroke Csqueezed Djumped5、Afamiliar

7、Bdifferent Cfashionable Dfunny6、Aintroduction Btrace Cexplanation Dinvention7、Aattracted Bmoved Cconfused Dtired8、Aand Bso Cyet Dthough9、Acried Bscreamed Cshouted Dsmiled10、Aexpected Brefused Cdecided Dpretended11、Aheart Blife Cpresence Dappearance12、Aformat Bstarter Cstopper Dadvice13、AChildren BA

8、child CA children DChild14、AWhat BIt CThat DWhich15、Asuddenly Bdeeply Cextremely Dslightly16、Aflew past Bgot out Ctook up Dleft for17、Aclass Bsubject Ccourse Dlesson18、Ain case Beven if Cnow that Dso that19、Agive up Bopen up Cgrow up Dmake up20、Abeyond Bwithin Cwith DwithoutSection II Reading Compre

9、hensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Learning how to face silence in conversation is an important skill, especially when working across cultures.In international

10、negotiations, experienced negotiator (谈判者) stay silent and impassive on purpose because that will make others feel uncomfortable and possibly make compromises without having to do anything. Americans especially cant stand silence, so they often are the first to break the silence and sometimes might

11、be at a disadvantage in negotiations.So, whats the best response? Set your jaw and wait it out. Dont offer a compromise just because they are not speaking. If you have to say something, ask a direct question, such as “Whats your initial reaction to that offer?” Once a silence is getting into 45 seco

12、nds you could say, “Lets come back to that in a minute and go on with the next part of our negotiation.”In presentations, silence can be far more effective than dramatic passion (热情). Before starting, look at the audience and be silent for a moment because that says, “Im in control. I know what Im d

13、oing. Im confident.”A classic example was when Apple co-founder Steve Jobs launched the first iPhone. He introduced with many pauses so that you didnt miss his key points. Because silence makes us nervous, our natural reaction is that wed better pay attention, theres something going on here.Equally,

14、 when giving a speech to staff or trainees, pauses count-especially if there are negatives. If you keep talking youre spoon feeding. Give people a moment of silence to get beyond the emotional response and to start thinking consciously and processing.Silence can be an inward-focused thoughtful activ

15、ity or an outward stillness where you give yourself the time to watch and think and listen to the world around you. Having observed the use of silence in Finland and also among the Blackfeet Nation, a North American Indian tribe in northern Montana in the US, we can see benefits far beyond wheeling and dealing.Silence can


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