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1、考研英语一湖北省荆门市钟祥市2023年全真模拟试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I dont talk with passengers on airplanes. My flight time is 1 for turning the pages of a good book. That changed

2、, 2 , on a flight from Tampa to Newark when I sat next to her -the lady in Seat 26BAfter 3 my seat, I opened my book.Then she 4 me. “And where are you traveling to? Home or on vacation?”“Heading home,” I closed my book. “You?”“Oh, home, too,” she began, “I come from a(n) 5 family. Nine kids! Im the

3、oldest 6 alive-eighty-nine!” And then she laughed, joyfully. I wouldnt have 7 she was nearly ninety, though.“Good book?” she asked, pointing to my paperback.“Yes. Do you read?”“Oh, I dont have 8 to read,” she replied.Im sixty years younger than 26B, yet shes the one whos too busy to read? What on ea

4、rth could she be doing with her 9 ?“Well,” she began, “I work at Costco. There are 10 nice people. There are also the 11 ones, but I enjoy them, too!” She laughed again, and I 12 her ability to not let negative energies affect her 13 . I wondered how I could 14 that, too.“Whats your secret,” I asked

5、, “to sounding so 15 and healthy?”“My husband died ten years ago,” she said, 16 . “I thought to myself, Im not going to just 17 ! Thats when I got my Costco job. I believe in being active.”“Life is so good,” she 18 , “Im just excited every day to live it!”I wanted that plane ride to reroute to Calif

6、ornia so I would have more time to learn about her energy for life. I became more 19 with each mile we flew.I told myself, if someone who is eighty-nine years old can choose to live her life with such 20 and passion, I can, too. If you have the drive!1、AreservedBadjustedCsqueezedDlimited2、AthusBinst

7、eadCthoughDrather3、Aslipping intoBsearching forCclearing upDsettling into4、Acame toBbent toCturned toDpointed to5、AcomplexBnuclearCwealthyDextended6、AyetBevenCstillDever7、ApredictedBadmittedCguessedDdoubted8、AtimeBpatienceCabilitiesDchances9、AdaysBtalentCbooksDinterest10、AreallyBactuallyCseeminglyDp

8、robably11、AlearnedBweirdCambitiousDinnocent12、AweighedBadmiredCrealizedDidentified13、AaimBfateCtasteDmood14、AobtainBmanageCcontrolDimagine15、AacademicBrealisticCpositiveDcreative16、AsadlyBcoldlyCseriouslyDpeacefully17、Ahang outBsit aroundCstep backDget away18、ArespondedBcontinuedCrecalledDdeclared19

9、、AastonishedBsatisfiedCdelightedDinspired20、AdesireBwisdomCcourageDconfidenceSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Bullying (欺凌) among scho

10、olchildren is nothing new. Calling someone names, stealing their possessions, threatening and even beating them up are all well-established bullying techniques. Yet for young people today there is a relatively new form of bullying which can occur even when the bullies are nowhere near their victims

11、and it can have equal, if not more damaging effects.Online-bullying is one of the downsides of new technology and involves using devices like mobile phones and computers. Online-bullies can strike at any time, no matter where they, or their victims are. About 22 percent of young people in the UK cla

12、im to have suffered from online-bullying.Not only are online-bullies harder to avoid, they are also harder to catch. It is all too easy to send an anonymous (匿名的) threat by text on a pay-as-you-go phone with an unknown number. It takes no time at all to set up a false Facebook, Twitter, blog or soci

13、al network account and to post an insulting message. And, if you know how to hide your IP address, you can upload an offensive video to a website like You Tube and your victim wouldnt know who to blame.One of the most upsetting things about online-bullying is that it can involve more people than tra

14、ditional forms of bullying. A bully can insult you or tell lies about you and share that information with the entire school at the touch of a button-and for some teenagers that is all too hard to bear. The UK Charity Beatbullying suggests that up to 44% of suicides among ten-to-fourteen-year-olds ma

15、y be bullying-related.The good news is that the world is starting to wise up to online-bullying. Schools and websites like http:/www.chlidnet-int.org/ offer lots of advice and victim support and social network sites now advise users to think carefully about their privacy settings so that personal information is only shared with friends.1、Which of the following is NOT the way of bullying according to Paragraph 1?AShou



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