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1、2023年宁陕县考研英语一预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Our son Jason was born with cerebral palsy(脑瘫). My wife and I often 1 him as he faced many challengers in his early years

2、.It was 2 to see him chosen last for baseball 3 , but he was happy and well 4 by his peers(同龄人)throughout primary school. His most 5 time came when he began high school. One afternoon, he returned home with 6 . He threw his bag on the floor, shouting angrily, “Ill never go to school again!” He was 7

3、 with food other kids had thrown at him on the way home. He didnt tell us what had happened until later.Several days earlier, he had 8 the school running team. That day, a few older students made fun of his 9 on the track and made him the 10 of their one-sided food fight. I called the headmaster abo

4、ut the matter and it never happened again. He stayed on the team 11 trouble continued.One day in October, We had snow and freezing rain. As the other kids exercised in the gym, they noticed Jason jogging around the snow-covered 12 . A few weeks later, he told us each month students 13 an “athlete of

5、 the month”. The coach would list the top athletes, and students voted for the winner. Jasons 14 had never been listed. But that day, one of the student said, “Id like to nominate(提名)Jason for the athlete of the month, sir!” The coach looked 15 .“He works harder than any of us, sir,” the student con

6、tinued.“But well have to have someone 16 the nomination,” the coach replied.Tears formed in Jasons eyes as he told us what happened next. “Mom, Dad, everyone in the class 17 their hands.”We, also in tears, looked at him as he 18 showed his certificate.Whenever I despair, I think of this story. I 19

7、myself that challengers are not overcome by force, but by patience, 20 and faith.1、Acomforted Bpersuaded Cprotected Dinstructed2、Aboring Bconfusing Cheartbreaking Dchallenging3、Apurposely Bregularly Cexactly Deventually4、Apraised Badmired Crespected Daccepted5、Amerciful Benjoyable Cdifficult Dunforg

8、ettable6、Aconfidence Bsadness Ccourage Dfear7、Acovered Bpacked Cfaced Dsupplied8、Aplayed for Bvoted for Cprepared for Dsigned up for9、Apromise Bperformance Cgoal Dability10、Atarget Bcause Cfocus Drole11、Ain case Bas if Cever since Deven though12、Astreet Bcamp Ctrack Dfield13、Atrained Bfound Cdismiss

9、ed Dchose14、Aname Bprogress Cscore Dapplication15、Asatisfied Bsurprised Cexcited Ddisappointed16、Ainvite Bseek Csupport Dconsider17、Aput up Bput back Cput down Dput out18、Acarefully Bfirmly Ceagerly Dproudly19、Awarn Bremind Cinform Dteach20、Ahonesty Bknowledge Cdetermination DdevelopmentSection II R

10、eading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Have you ever noticed how Americans fill up their entire glass with ice and then pour their beverage(饮品) in, but

11、Europeans take their drinks at room temperature? In the U. S., weve created fridges that give you cold ice at the press of a button, but in Britain they typically serve their tap water warm.This traditionif thats what you want to call it-dates back to the 19th century. During that time, it was alrea

12、dy commonplace for most American homes to have an ice box. Ice would be harvested in northern America or Canada and shipped across the Atlantic and sold at a high price in British department stores. Can you imagine heading to Macys to treat yourself to a block of ice?Putting ice in your drink starte

13、d to become somewhat of a fashion(时尚) trend for the wealthy in Britain. Some would put a few cubes in their champagne and sip on their chilled drinks at high-class parties. But, like with any fashion trend, it eventually faded, mainly because the ice was just too expensive. And even once ice boxes b

14、egan appearing in homes in Britain as well, Brits never took a liking to ice in their drinks.So, next time you travel overseas, dont feel offended(冒犯) when your server gives you an eye roll when you ask for ice water.1、Who has written the text?AA European.BAn American.CA Canadian.DAn Asian.2、Why do Europeans take their drinks at room temperature?ABecause they have no fridges.BBecause they have warm taps.CBecause they are accustomed to it.DBecause they cant afford ice.3、What can we infer about Brits?AThey treat their guests to cold drinks.BThey always follow what Americans do.CThey


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