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1、考研英语一2023年海勃湾区考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)This Christmas nearly became Dave Quisers last one, a retired journalist.Quiser had intended to spend Christmas aftern

2、oon 1 near his home in Cook, where it was freezing outside. Unlike the 2 beginning, Quisers car not trapped, 3 in the snow several miles after the trip. No phone at hand, Quiser couldnt 4 others. Even worse, he hadnt 5 anyone else of his 6 .Soon came the darkness. Quiser was forced to 7 the freezing

3、 night inside his truck, trying to stay warm. The 8 survived the night, but there came a new problem in the morning 9 Quiser had trouble walking over a mile with 10 emphysema(肺气肿).Just staying there meant waiting for death, as nobody was likely to know the elderly was in 11 . With no choice, Quiser

4、had to make his way to get help. After two miles of hard walk, Quiser fell to the ground and was unable to 12 . However, 13 of his own state, the hunter 14 the rest of the way on his hands and knees. 15 , a light-van passed and the driver with is son took the hunter to a nearby hospital for treatmen

5、t.Quiser 16 that his story was an unforgettable and fortunate experience, in which he managed to rise to a tough 17 . For him there was a(an) 18 encouragement always in his mind. “The 19 of the power I felt to survive was my family.” Quiser told CBS. It was his will to live and some impressive survi

6、val skills that allowed the hunter to welcome 20 new year. “Let your family know where youre going when hunting alone, and never, never give up,” he also said.1、Ahunting Bwandering Cdriving Dexploring2、Atough Baccustomed Crisky Dsmooth3、Adestroyed Bsurvived Cstuck Ddrowned4、Aconsult Bcontact Ckeep D

7、combine5、Aaccused Binformed Cwarned Dordered6、Asymptom Bjudgement Cconclusion Dwhereabouts7、Acontain Bexhaust Cface Ddevote8、Aguide Bretiree Csettler Dpartner9、Athat Bwhat Cwhether Dwhich10、Arough Bsevere Cobvious Dpotential11、Aplace Baddition Cadvance Dtrouble12、Acalm down Bsit down Cpack up Dget b

8、ack up13、Aescaped Bran Ccontinued Drushed14、Aescaped Bran Ccontinued Drushed15、AEffectively BEventually CPossibly DUnluckily16、Abelieves Bpuzzles Cinspires Ddoubts17、Achallenge Bpressure Cprocess Droutine18、Aimaginary Bimmediate Cphysical Dspiritual19、Asource Bpossession Cresource Dstage20、Aother Be

9、ach Canother DsomeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Weve all been there: Youre at a dull work meeting or presentation, and your mind ke

10、eps wandering to what to eat for lunch, your weekend plans, or whats going on with the new season of Stranger Things.Dont feel so bad about all your daydreaming. Mind-wandering may be a sign of intelligence and creativity, according to a new study in the journal Neuropsychologia. And as long as your

11、 performance at work doesnt suffer when your mind drifts, daydreaming may not be such a bad thing after all, the study authors say.Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology wanted to study what happens to peoples brain patterns when theyre told to lie still and do nothinga prime opportunity for

12、 mind-wandering. So they asked 112 study participants to do just that: lie in an MRI machine while staring at a fixed point for five minutes.The research team used those readings to identify which parts of the brain worked together during this type of awake but resting state, and they also compared

13、the readings to tests the participants took to measure their creative and intellectual abilities. In addition, the participants filled out a questionnaire about how much their mind wandered in daily life.The researchers made several interesting connections. People who reported more frequent daydream

14、ing during the day scored higher on creative and intellectual tests. Their MRIs also showed they had more efficient brain systems-meaning different regions of the brain were more in pace with each othercompared to people who reported less frequent mind-wandering.The finding that mind-wandering is as

15、sociated with intelligence was somewhat surprising, says lead author Christine Godwin, a psychology PhD candidate. Thats because previous research has linked mind-wandering to poorer performance on memory and reading-comprehension tests, lower SAT scores, negative mood, and mental health disorders.1、Whats the authors attitude towards d


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