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1、考研英语一甘南藏族自治州临潭县2023年巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)During my second year at the city college,I was told that the education department was offering a freecourse, ca

2、lled Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 1 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesnt want to 2 a few dollars? More than that, Id always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I werent 3 enough about free credits, news about our 4 was appealing enough to me. He was an international gr

3、andmaster, which 5 I would be learning from one of the games 6 . I could hardly wait to 7 him.Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 8 was no game for him: he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 9 that our credits would be hard-earned. In order

4、to 10 the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 11 what we would learn in class to our future professions and, 12 , to our lives. I managed to get an A in that 13 and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 14 .Ten years after my chess class with Ash

5、ley, Im still putting to use what he 15 me: “The absolute most important 16 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 17 . On every single move you have to 18 a situation, process what your opponent(对手)is doing and 19 the best move from among all your options.”These words still ring tru

6、e today in my 20 as a journalist.1、Aput forward Bjumped at Ctried out Dturned down2、Awaste Bearn Csave Dpay3、Aexcited Bworried Cmoved Dtired4、Atitle Bcompetitor Ctextbook Dinstructor5、Aurged Bdemanded Cheld Dmeant6、Afastest Beasiest Cbest Drarest7、Ainterview Bmeet Cchallenge Dbeat8、Achance Bqualific

7、ation Chonor Djob9、Areal Bperfect Cclear Dpossible10、Aattend Bpass Cskip Dobserve11、Aadd Bexpose Capply Dcompare12、Aeventually Bnaturally Cdirectly Dnormally13、Agame Bpresentation Ccourse Dexperiment14、Acriterion Bclassroom Cdepartment Dsituation15、Ataught Bwrote Cquestioned Dpromised16、Afact Bstep

8、Cmanner Dskill17、Agrades Bdecisions Cimpressions Dcomments18、Aanalyze Bdescribe Crebuild Dcontrol19、Aannounce Bsignal Cblock Devaluate20、Arole Bdesire Cconcern DbehaviorSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,

9、 B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Sydney Day ToursPort Stephens Day ToursLabeled “Blue Water Paradise”, Port Stephens is known for its beauty and marine surroundings with over 19 miles of clean, white and sandy beaches. It is home to around 150 bottlenose dolphin an

10、d thus called the dolphin capital of Australia.Highlights: Dolphin Watching; Australian Reptile ParkOperates: Mon, Wed & Sat-8 AMAdults: $195 Children: $98Note: Not suitable from Dec. 20th, 2017 to Jan. 9th, 2018 in Christmas & NY period, Feb. 14th-22th, 2018 in Chinese NY.Sydney City Day ToursSydne

11、y is a big city, filled with lots of landmarks and attractions to see. This can make it a stressful task to plan your own vacation in Sydney. Luckily, our tours are designed to allow you to see all of Sydneys most famous landmarks. You can rest and make sure that you will be seeing all that Sydney h

12、as to offer.Highlights: Harbour Bridge; Sydney Opera HouseOperates: Daily-8 AMAdults: $129 Children: $65Blue Mountains ToursThese Blue Mountains Tours from Sydney have been designed for the adventures and people who like to enjoy bushwalking. Additionally, these Blue Mountains Day Tours includes a t

13、ough walk from Glenbrook to the Wentworth Falls.Highlights: See Australian wildlife up-close; Guided hike at Wentworth Falls.Operates: Daily8 AMAdults: $99 Children: $74Note: A good level of fitness is required for the bush walk. Minimum child age is 11 years.1、Which one is NOT proper time for the P

14、ort Stephens Day Tours?AJan. 13th, 2018 (Sat.).BJan. 15th, 2018 (Mon.).CJab. 24th, 2018 (Wed.).DFeb. 15th, 2018 (Thur.).2、What can tourists enjoy on Sydney City Day Tours?AMarine surroundings.BHarbour Bridge.CDolphin Watching.DAdventurous activities.3、Which of the following is true according to the advertisement?AAll the tours are available every day.BSydney city has the most landmarks and attractions in the world.CChildren 10 years and under are not permitted on Blue Mountains Tours.DAll the tours are charged and designed only for adventures.Text 2W


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