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1、考研英语一潍坊市昌邑市2023年临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When my kids were small, I started a tradition in our house of giving eight gifts over the course of the eight days

2、of Hanukkah(光明节). I liked the idea of 1 a candle every night and giving my children a gift to unwrap to 2 . It was easy to go into a toy store and pick up something 3 less than $10 each, or even $1 each (at the Dollar Store). My children didnt ask for anything much in particular and they 4 whatever

3、they got.As the years progressed, I 5 the tradition of eight gifts for each night of Hanukkah.But this year, Hanukkah 6 something else. My special-needs son decided that he wanted to 7 a computer, and it was up to me to buy all the parts of it. When I wouldnt 8 that, he decided he wanted a PlayStati

4、on. Then Amazon gift cards. Then money. And it became clear that it wasnt going to happen, he got 9 .I keep 10 him that Hanukkah isnt about greed or materialism. Its about the miracle of an oil lamp that 11 for eight days. Its about being 12 of our heritage. Its about freedom.But he 13 . I know deep

5、 down that his obsessions(迷恋) are out of his 14 , and definitely out of mine. Having a special-needs child is as 15 as it gets. Some days are better than others and not all holidays 16 the way I hope. But despite his unrealistic requests, hes a(n) 17 child who is showing me the true meaning of life.

6、And as we enter a new year and light the 18 approaching the time, I welcome his differences 19 I learn how to turn negative requests into 20 ones.1、Abuying Bdonating Clighting Ddrawing2、Acelebrate Bpresent Csend Dplay3、Awith Bfor Cof Dfrom4、Aate Bthrew Cliked Ddrank5、Aheld up Bgave in Chanded in Dke

7、pt up6、Amade Bbecame Cfound Ddesigned7、Abuild Bbuy Cuse Dwatch8、Arely on Blearn from Cagree to Ddream about9、Acalm Bhappy Cselfish Dupset10、Atelling Bwarning Cpromising Daccusing11、Alays Bhangs Cwaits Dburns12、Atired Bproud Cafraid Dlack13、Anodded Bslept Cinsisted Dfailed14、Amind Bsight Ccontrol Dpl

8、ace15、Awonderful Bdangerous Cinteresting Dchallenging16、Arun out Bbreak down Cwork out Dput down17、Astrange Bamazing Cbad Denergetic18、Acandles Blamps Ctorches Dlanterns19、Awhen Bas Cunless Duntil20、Arelative Bpossible Creasonable DpositiveSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the fo

9、llowing four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 When I was about 4 years old,I decided to go to Disney World.For most young kids,its a normal request,but I had cerebral palsy(脑瘫).Walking into anywhere,let alo

10、ne a crowded place like Disney World was,to put it lightly,a tall order.Luckily,I had people in my corner to help me.Over the next three years,I worked with physical doctors,acquired a walker,and practiced walking,standing,and balanceall skills that I would need to turn my goal into a reality.I reme

11、mber the feeling when my legs would protest doing any more work.Despite this,everyone else told me I could do it,so I kept it up.It was all because of people like my parents,brothers,teachers,and doctors that I was able to grow so much,both physically and mentally.Constantly pushing me to“walk on,”y

12、et encouraging me whenever I needed it.On June 9,2008,as I stood in the tunnel leading into Main Street,My dad asked me if I wanted any help.I instantly replied,“No!”and situated myself facing the end of the tunnel,feet planted firmly,heart most likely beating out of my chest.Then I went,walking eve

13、r so slowly at first,then gradually speeding up.Step,step,step,step,bump.Holding fast onto the handlebars,I gathered up all my strength,picked up my walker and straightened out,picking up my pace once again.It wasnt too long before the cheering increased because I had made it to the end,where my mom

14、 was waiting with tears in her eyes and arms open wide ready to hug her son and tell him how proud she was.Looking back on that experience,I realize something pretty thoughtful.Every once in a while,life will throw a few bumps in the road.Though it may set you back for a bit,dont let it stop you.Pic

15、k yourself back up and finish.Its worth it.Besides,there just might be someone there cheering you on along the way.1、Which of the following best explains“a tall order”underlined in paragraph 1 ?AAn easy decision. BAn available action.CA reasonable order. DA challenging task.2、Why does the author say hes lucky?AHe eventually ha


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