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1、2023年云南省丽江地区永胜县考研英语一深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Growing up, I always hid my thumbs(拇指)in my fists because of their unusual shape. 1 they do look more like a big

2、toe(脚趾) 2 a thumb. And from an early age, my thumbs 3 another name “toe thumbs” .In high school, I served as a cashier in a grocery store. One day, I was 4 a sweet little old lady and as I 5 her change back to her, she suddenly took my hands and said in a thick Polish 6 , “You are Polish! Look at th

3、ose 7 Polish thumbs! They match mine!” She raised her hands and 8 her thumbs to me that 9 weathered and wrinkled, looked exactly like mine! She 10 my hands again and said, “Be 11 of those thumbs!”Ill never forget that 30-second 12 with a stranger that forever 13 my view of a part of me I once was 14

4、 by and now accept. As I was eating dinner with my Samuel tonight, he looked down at my hand 15 on the table next to his and said, “Mommy! Our thumbs 16 !” I smiled and answered, “Yes, they do, buddy! Those are strong Polish 17 you have! Take pride in them! Maybe someday youll have a little boy or g

5、irl who will have the same thumbs!” I 18 my son never hides his thumbs like I did. I hope hell be proud of their “unusualness” and the 19 behind them. He carries on a(n) 20 part of me and that for me will always be beautiful!1、AFortunately BAdmittedly CNormally DBasically2、Aother than Bdue to Cinste

6、ad of Dalong with3、Aearned Bcloned Cfound Ddeserved4、Achecking out Bwaiting for Ctalking with Dwatching over5、Apaid Bcharged Cdonated Dcounted6、Atune Bvoice Clanguage Daccent7、Abeautiful Bstrange Clong Dclumsy8、Apassed Bshowed Crecommended Doffered9、Atill Bunless Calthough Donce10、Araised Binspected

7、 Cexamined Dheld11、Aproud Bskeptical Cafraid Dsure12、Aappointment Bbargain Cconversation Ddeal13、Asupported Bchanged Cproved Dhurt14、Aamazed Bfrightened Cdelighted Dembarrassed15、Ascratching Bresting Cknocking Ddrawing16、Adiffer Bsuit Cfight Dmatch17、Afists Bthumbs Ctoes Dhands18、Aguarantee Bfigure

8、Cpray Dinsist19、Ascene Blesson Chistory Dmoment20、Aunique Belegant Cauthentic DsensitiveSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Mandy Harvey

9、is a 29-year-old singer from the American state of Florida. She suffers from connective tissue disorder. She lost most of her ability to hear when she was 18. As a child and during her teenage years, Harvey was a singer. But she stopped singing for a time after she went deaf.But she decided to start

10、 singing again after she learned how to feel a songs beat through the wooden floor of a stage or theater. She uses visual aids to make sure her musical instruments are tuned correctly and she is singing in the correct pitch (音高).Harvey is now a professional singer. But until Tuesday night, not many

11、people in the United States had heard of her. Of course that changed when she appeared on the television show “Americas Got Talent.” The show has four judges who watch people perform and decide if they should continue in the competition.Mandy Harvey appeared on stage with a small instrument: a ukule

12、le. A sign language interpreter stood next to the judges. One of the judges, Simon Cowell, asked Harvey about the condition that caused her to go deaf. Then she got ready to perform. She sang a piece she wrote, called “Try.” Harvey said: “After I lost my hearing, I gave up. But I want to do more wit

13、h my life than just give up.” Cowell said: “Good for you,” and clapped his hands loudly.As she was singing,one camera cut away to capture images of people in the theater. Many were seen crying. At one point, everyone stood up and cheered. By Wednesday afternoon, a video of Harveys performance had be

14、en played 46 million times.Shortly after she finished singing, Cowell smiled, and said “Mandy, I dont think youre going to need a translator for this.” And he reached over and hit a button that released golden confetti (五彩纸屑) into the air. That meant Harvey automatically moved on to the final part o

15、f the talent competition.1、How does Mandy Harvey sing with her musical instruments as a deaf person?ABy senses of touch. BBy her instrument.CBy experience. DBy sight.2、What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AHarvey is not well-known.BHarvey is a professional singer.CHarvey is popular with America


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