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1、沧州市东光县2023年考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Jake was born healthy, but his parents noticed there was something wrong when he was 5. Jake 1 about 20 pounds in j

2、ust six months. He kept putting on weight 2 eating only salad. In 2015, Jake was diagnosed with ROHHAD, a 3 condition that affects the brain and causes rapid weight gain. Only 75 cases have ever been reported, and 4 of the sufferers is known to have survived twenty years.But Jake wants to fight for

3、his 5 . Although there is no way to fully 6 the weight gain, he does everything he can to slow it down, including 7 competing in triathlons (铁人三项). Triathlons help him keep fit and active. Its good for his 8 and also gives him a chance to socialize with other kids. He 9 with the Malta Youth Triathlo

4、n Association three times a week.“He is extremely 10 . He never misses a training session without valid 11 and is constantly eager to train,” Jakes trainer said. “Jake is very lovable and steals the heart of all who know him. Its heartbreaking to see what he has to 12 . I look at his family with a m

5、ixture of 13 despite the hardship they try their best to ensure that Jake gets as 14 a life as possible.”Everybody is more than happy to help Jake, and they 15 change event dates and training schedules just to make it easier for him to 16 . He is always very determined, but due to his condition, he

6、cant 17 himself to push his heart rate too high.Jakes 18 is to meet two famous British Triathlon players, 19 due to his disease, he cannot travel. After Jakes story was made public, someone 20 that he would do everything he could to make the boys dream a reality.1、AcollectedBgainedCreducedDrecovered


8、see throughBget acrossCgo throughDput down13、AexpressionsBfeelingsCtastesDideas14、AimpressiveBregretfulCcrazyDnormal15、AluckilyBgladlyCimpatientlyDunwillingly16、AjoinBbelieveCattendDorganize17、AstopBallowCpretendDprotect18、AdreamBtaskCintentionDstory19、AbutBorCandDso20、AwarnedBexplainedCpredictedDan

9、nouncedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Pushy parents and teachers who hothouse the under-5s risk causing damage to the childrens long

10、-term development, a leading education expert said.Lilian Katz, Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, told that four-year-olds engaged in reading and writing went on to perform worse academically than those, engaged in imaginative learning. They scored higher in tests at the age of 5

11、, but children whose first year at school was stimulating (使人兴奋的) outstripped them years later.The findings suggest that the governments structured approach to early-years learning could be storing up problems for children. They also raise serious questions about the plan for all children to be able

12、 to read by the age of 6.In many countries formal teaching does not start until children are 6 or 7 and have improved their social and manual skills. Children start learning to read and write at 6 in the United States,France and Germany,and at 7 in Finland and Sweden.Professor Katz said that in many

13、 schools the courses were “boring children to tears”. Much academic teaching required I children to learn by memorizing pieces of information out of context,she said. Teaching in reception class should instead allow children to develop their intellect by exploring their environments and asking quest

14、ions.Research suggests the benefits of formal academic instruction for four and five-year-olds seem to be promising when they are tested early, but considerably less so in the long term. When these children are followed over a period of three or more years, those who had early experience in more int

15、ellectually engaging curricula were more likely to do well in school than their peers, who had received early academic instruction. She advocates teaching children through first-hand experience and play, in mixed-aged classes. This can include puppet shows,drawing or running a pretend shop in the classroom.1、According to the passage,those who hothouse the under-5s would probably_.Aprefer a lot of interaction and stimulation whil


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