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1、2023年砚山县考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I walked into the grocery store not particularly interested in buying something. The sorrow of 1 my husband of 37 years

2、 was still too painful. And this grocery store held so many sweet 2 Bob often came with me and almost every time hed 3 to go off and look for something special. Id always see him walking down the walkway 4 the three yellow roses in his hands. Bob knew I loved yellow roses. With a heart 5 with pain,

3、I came to the meat shelf, I searched for the 6 small steak and remembered how Bob had loved his steak.Suddenly a woman came beside me. She was in a soft green dress. I 7 as she picked up a large pack of T-bones, 8 them in her basket, hesitated, and then put them back. She saw me watching her and she

4、 smiled. My husband loves T-bones, but 9 , at these prices, I dont know.My husband passed away eight days ago, I told her. Buy him the steaks. And value every 10 you have together.She smiled and I saw the feeling in her 11 as she placed the package in her basket and 12 away. I turned and pushed my c

5、art forward too. Several minutes later I saw first the green suit and then 13 the pretty lady coming to me. In her arms she carried something. On her face was the 14 smile I had ever seen.As she came closer, I saw what she held and 15 welled down. These are for you, she said and placed three beautif

6、ul yellow roses in my arms. She placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, then smiled again. I wanted to tell her what the roses 16 , but still unable to speak. I watched as she walked away as tears clouded my 17 I looked down at the beautiful roses and found it almost 18 How did she know?Suddenly the 19 se

7、emed so clear. I wasnt alone. Oh, Bob, you havent 20 me, have you? I whispered, with tears in my eyes. He was still with me, and she was his angel.1、AlosingBleavingCpassingDfailing2、AflowersBrosesCmemoriesDthoughts3、AdecideBhappenCrefuseDpretend4、AbyBwithCduringDbetween5、AfullBfilledCpleasedDcrowded


9、sCfeelingsDsweats16、AstoodBdescribedCmeantDdesigned17、AsightBcartCrosesDpackage18、AunknownBuncommonCunrealDunlike19、AquestionBanswerCcaseDpuzzle20、AmissedBdisappointedChatedDforgottenSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text

10、by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Sometimes we start a day with the previous day still in mind. We think about the mistakes we made in the previous day, how things went wrong, and how we felt bad about it. No wonder it becomes difficult to focus on the

11、 current day.Here are some steps on how to start your new day fresh:1. Take time to evaluate your dayAt the end of a day, take some time to think about it. The purpose of this thinking time is not to regret how bad your day was, how things went wrong, or how people treated you badly. This wont do yo

12、u any good. Instead, the purpose of this thinking time is to extract(吸取) lessons which you can bring to the following day.2. Make a commitment to apply the lessonsAfter you extract the lessons, you should make a commitment to apply them. To do so, find some actionable things you can do to apply the

13、lessons. Next, remind yourself to do them. You may write them down if you want to.3. “Close” your dayAfter you have spent the time to think about the day and extract the lessons, make a decision to “close” the day. You are done with it; dont think about it anymore.4. Bring only the lessons to the ne

14、xt day and nothing elseAfter you “close” a day, you should not bring anything out of it to the next day except for the lessons you extract. Focus on applying the lessons to the present. This way you will be able to start your day fresh without the burden of yesterday.1、What will happen if we think t

15、oo much about the past?AThere will be a disaster. BThere will be good results.CWe wont have a peaceful mind. DWe surely wont finish todays task.2、When should we draw lessons from the past mistakes?AAt the end of a day. BWhen we make mistakes.CAt the beginning of a day. DWhen we regret making the mistakes.3、Why should we extract lessons from the past day?ATo set them down. BTo consider them again.CTo make a better decisi


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