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1、广西壮族河池市金城江区2023年考研英语一预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Iusedtoabandonmyselftodespair.Lastyearmymotherfromstroke(中风)an




5、petition.IwashappythatatleastIhadgotsomestageLifeisnotjustabedofroses.Therearethorns(刺)aswell,butthesethornshelpusbecome 1 andstrong.Whenlifeusalemon,letstrytomakealemonade.1、AresultedBsufferedCsurvivedDescaped2、AhopeBwonderCideaDdoubt3、ApainBanxietyCfearDpressure4、AreceivedBsoldCfixedDlost5、Aunbeli


7、ryBlifeCfreedomDhappiness14、AshoutingBhidingCquarrelingDregretting15、AexpectBmissCwinDrefuse16、Afigured outBwritten downCfound outDcome across17、AembarrassedBdiscouragedCexcitedDconcerned18、AperformanceBexperienceCprogressDeffect19、AbraveBcalmCgreatDclever20、AshowsBmakesCgivesDsendsSection II Readin

8、g ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1When we think about endangered species, we typically think of mammals such as whales, tigers or pandas. But the over 5

9、, 500 of mammal species on Earth is a relatively poor numberand it pales in comparison with bacteria, of which there are at least a million different species.Despite their vast numbers, little research has been done to understand the impact that modern human practices have on these tiny organisms(生物

10、), which have an important influence on many aspects of our lives.There are also reasons for concern over the way humans are affecting bacterial species, and in many cases we are causing the same type of problems that affect larger organisms. Bacterial population structures are definitely changing,

11、and bacterial species are being transported to new locations. Perhaps some bacteria are even on their way to extinction, although we dont really have enough information to be certain yet.Why should we care if bacteria are being spread to new places? Besides the obvious potential for spreading diseas

12、es to humans, animals and crops, there are also hidden dangers.Microorganisms are invisible to the naked eye, so we tend to ignore them and dont necessarily appreciate their role in how the planet operates. Bacteria are very important to biogeochemistrythe cycling of nutrition and other chemicals th

13、rough ecosystems. For instance, before humans invented a way to make fertilizer industrially, every single nitrogen(氮)atom in our proteins and DNA had to be chemically caught by a bacterial cell before it could be taken in by plants and then enter the human food chain. The oxygen we breathe is large

14、ly made by microorganisms in the oceans rather than mainly by rainforests, as is opposite to common belief.Our effects on bacteria have the potential to change these basic bacterial functions. It is vital to gain a better understanding of how humans are affecting microorganisms distribution, their a

15、bundance, and their life-keeping processes. Although bacteria are invisible, we overlook them at our own risk.1、What can be learned about the bacteria according to the text?ATheir population is becoming larger.BSome of them may become endangered species.CThey only cause great threat to other creatures.DMuch attention has been drawn to their researches.2、What was the first step of the cycling of a nitrogen atom before entering our body?ABeing caught by a bacterial cell. BEntering the human food chain


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