2023年临夏回族自治州 临夏市考研《英语一》点睛提分卷含解析

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《2023年临夏回族自治州 临夏市考研《英语一》点睛提分卷含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年临夏回族自治州 临夏市考研《英语一》点睛提分卷含解析(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2023年临夏回族自治州 临夏市考研英语一点睛提分卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) A 16-year-old in foster care has finally found a home. His adoption caseworker (社会工作者) who has known him since

2、he was 7, will become his adoptive mother this month.In October 2013, Davion Only spoke in front of a church congregation (会众)in St. Petersburg, Florida, and made an 1 for adoption. He had recently learned that his 2 mother, whod been in jail since Only was born, had died. He had spent years bouncin

3、g between foster homes. “My name is Davion and Ive been in foster care since I was born, he said. I know God hasnt given up on me, so Im not giving up either.The 3 plea (恳求)went viral, and Onlys foster agency 4 calls from more than 10,000 people, according to the Tampa Bay Times. Only 5 traveling to

4、 Ohio to live with a ministers family. But after Only got into a physical 6 with one of his older would-be siblings (兄弟姐妹),the minister and his wife changed their minds.Back in Florida, Only passed through four different 7 homes over the next year, until he called Connie Going, his adoption casework

5、er, to make a special 8 .Only had known Going for nearly ten years, and had asked every year if she would adopt him but she always 49. I always believed there was a better family than us out there,” Going tells Yahoo Parenting. He 9 so much in this world.”But this past July, when Only called and ask

6、ed again if she might adopt him, Going says something felt 10 . In adoption there is a claiming moment, when you know someone is your child. When he called me to ask, in that moment, I just knew,” she says. When he asked me, my heart felt this 11 and I just knew he was my son.”So Going 12 invited On

7、ly to start spending time 13 the rest of her family the other four children who she also adopted out of foster care. 14 , Going managed to rent a bigger home, got a lawyer, and started adoption 15 .Only will officially join Goings family on April 2, when the adoption 16 . Today, I am feeling blessed

8、 and honored by being chosen to be the parent to all my children, she says. I work every day on being the best parent I can to them, to be patient and creative so that I can 17 all their needs.”A spokesperson for Eckerd, Onlys foster agency, told the Tampa Bay Times they were 18 with the new develop

9、ment.” We are truly thrilled that Davion has been united with his forever family.”While Going is waiting for the newest 19 to her family to become official in the eyes of the law, she says Only is already her child. I want him to know he is 20 loved for who he is, the way he is, she says.” The chang

10、es he chooses to make in his life, and the choices, are his to make. As a family we will be there through it all, the good and the bad for our lifetime. He is home.”1、AapologyBcompensationCappealDcall2、AbiologicalBbotanicCadoptiveDadaptive3、AdelightingBsatisfyingCannoyingDheartbreaking4、AreceivedBac

11、ceptedCmadeDanswered5、AavoidedBstartedCgave upDended up6、AquarrelBexperimentCexaminationDfight7、ApermanentBfull-timeCrichDtemporary8、AquestionBrequestCorderDresolution9、AdeterminedBhesitatedCinvolvedDdevoted10、AdeclaresBdevelopsCdiscoversDdeserves11、AdifferentBthe sameCsurprisingDdisappointing12、Afo

12、rceBcourageCacheDenergy13、AonBwithCinDto14、AParticularlyBConstantlyCPreviouslyDEventually15、AperformancesBproceduresCpersuasionDproduction16、Agoes acrossBgoes aboutCgoes throughDgoes down17、ArefuseBignoreCmeetDneglect18、ApleasedBangryCdisappointedDenthusiastic19、AburdenBbrotherCadditionDtrouble20、Au

13、nconditionallyBconditionallyCpartlyDamazinglySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1I have received many Christmas gifts over the years, The

14、 best gift I ever received was presented to me by a stranger. I never even knew his name and I only had contact with him for less than 60 seconds. His Christmas present to me changed the way I had thought about people and Christmas.It was several years ago when my wife asked me to meet her at the lo

15、cal department store on Black Friday morning. They had advertised a childs bike that she wanted to purchase for our son. We stood with a very large crowd, waiting for the manager to blow the whistle. After a while, the whistle blew. It was like throwing a bucket of fish into a tank of sharks. I told my wife that if we obtained a bike, fine, but i we did not, I was OK with that too,As the shelf of bikes began to gradually decrease in


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