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1、考研英语一2023年安康市镇坪县高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A few days ago, I bought some ink for my printer at my favorite $1 Supermarket, which sold everything from fresh pro

2、duce to birthday cards at one dollar. Then l found a better 1 at a computer store. So I went back to the supermarket to 2 it for some other products. With 3 telling me exactly what to do, I put the ink into a plastic bag, tied it up, placed the bag into a push-cart and started 4 I was midway 5 when

3、a clerk suddenly stopped me. You are not allowed to 6 a bag around in this store. Open it and show me the 7 ! she yelled coldly. 8 , I opened the bag and 9 the ink to her. Im returning it. I said.You should have left the bag with the clerk upon 10 . Let me see your receipt! she demanded I did as tol

4、d, looking around, embarrassed 11 everyone was laughing at me. Perhaps in the future youll learn how to follow the store 12 . she added.By the time I finished shopping, I was angry. How dare she treat me as a 13 ? I went looking for her and asked for her 14 She mumbled (嘀咕) something. I asked her ag

5、ain, and this time I heard Ursula. Ursula what? I asked. She yelled at me, Ursula! and stormed away.This employee is about to become unemployed, I 15 when I got home. 1 16 their headquarters (总部). I described my unpleasant experience to a representative. She was sympathetic, Our employees are taught

6、 to be 17 Give me your phone number and I will ring you back. She did two days later. Im sorry, she said, but theres no Ursula at that supermarket. Can you 18 her so that I can find out who she is? I assure you, we do not tolerate rude behavior, nor do we tolerate 19 to our customers. By this time,

7、I had calmed down. l didnt really want the employee to lose her 20 So I told the representative to forget about it.1、AreductionBchoiceCintroductionDprice2、AchangeBreturnCreceiveDreplace3、AsomebodyBnobodyCeverybodyDanybody4、AbargainingBstoringCloadingDshopping5、AacrossBupCthroughDdown6、AcarryBshowCmo

8、veDpush7、AidentityBcontentsCbelongingsDink8、ADepressedBShockedCAmusedDStressed9、ApouredBmixedCshowedDfell10、AexitBadmissionCentryDdeparture11、Aeven thoughBas ifCso thatDin case12、AlinesBbordersCregulationsDpermissions13、AcriminalBblue-collarCbeggarDcolleague14、AnumberBcareerCexplanationDname15、Acalm

9、ed downBthought aloudCfound outDgot through16、ArangBvisitedCquestionedDblamed17、ApatientBcleverCpoliteDhardworking18、ArecognizeBinformCdescribeDforgive19、AyellingBpointingCtalkingDlying20、AjobBwayCchanceDbusinessSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer t

10、he questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1They may be teenagers, but 17-year-old Brittany Bull and 16-year-old Sesam Mngqengqiswa have grand ambitions(雄心) to launch Africas first private satellite (卫星) into space. They are part of

11、a team of high school girls from Cape Town, South Africa, who have designed and built equipment for a satellite that will orbit over the earths poles scanning Africas surface.Once in space, the satellite will collect information on agriculture, and food security within the continent. Using the data/

12、we can try to determine and predict (预测) the problems Africa will be facing in the future”, explains Bull, a student at Pelican Park High School.“Where our food is growing, where we can plant more trees and vegetation and also how we can monitor remote areas,” she says. “We have a lot of forest fire

13、s and floods but we dont always get out there in time. Information received twice a day will go towards disaster prevention.Its part of a project by South Africas Meta Economic Development Organization (MEDO) working with Morehead State University in the US.The girls (14 in total) are being trained

14、by satellite engineers from Cape Peninsula University of Technology, in an effort to encourage more African women into STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).Scheduled to launch in May 2017, if successful, it will make MEDO the first private company in Africa to build a satellite and s

15、end it into orbit.Mngqengqiswa comes from a single parent household. Her mother is a domestic worker. By becoming a space engineer or astronaut, the teenager hopes to make her mother proud. “Discovering space and seeing the Earths atmosphere, its not something many black Africans have been able to do, or get the opportunity to look at I want to see and experience these things for myself,” says Mngqengqiswa.Her team mate Bull agrees, “I wan


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