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1、海口市秀英区2023年考研英语一临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My mother has always been involved in early-childhood education. She often set the scene for children to 1 the joy o

2、f physical activity, getting them excited and 2 to learn.Mum was so proud of me after I 3 the triathlon at the 2000 Olympics, but before the dust 4 , she grabbed me, saying: Now this is your 5 . Use it.” She wasnt speaking from an economic point of view but talking about the 6 of my being a role mod

3、el, encouraging kids to 7 their dreams.Since the Olympics, I have 8 more than 100 schools. I talk to the kids about “living a life less 9 a concept passed on to me by my parentsthe idea of 10 being average. I tell them that what you believe, you will 11 .As I was a kid, my mother came to every 12 -n

4、ot to pressure me but to 13 me. One of my favorite sports-related memories was when I was 14 in the Canadian Triathlon Championships. As I ran by a big truck, I saw my mother 15 on top of one of its huge wheels, cheering for me. I find it sad when people say their parents have never seen them 16 .Wh

5、en I was at the University, I completed only one semester and then decided to 17 so I could race professionally full-time. Mum was the first person I called. It was a 18 moment. I wasnt sure how she would react.“Mum, I have this opportunity, and I think Im going to take it. What do you think?”She wa

6、s as 19 as ever. It turned out to be a good 20 .Supporting your children, trusting their decisions, giving well-thought-out advicethose are definitely important qualities.1、Aexperience Bevaluate Cexpress Dexpect2、Aafraid Bready Crelaxed Dreluctant3、Awon Bchose Cplayed Dwatched4、Arose Bsettled Cflew

7、Dappeared5、Aluck Btime Ccrossroad Dopportunity6、Ademand Bhappiness Ccourage Dimportance7、Adisplay Bfollow Cappreciate Dabandon8、Aserved Battended Cvisited Dstarted9、Aenergetic Bcolorful Cmiserable Dordinary10、Anever Balways Cseldom Dusually11、Aneglect Bachieve Csuspect Dassume12、Apractice Bschool Cg

8、ame Dkindergarten13、Asupport Breward Cinstruct Dcomfort14、Asurfing Bjumping Cjogging Drunning15、Asitting Bspeaking Cstanding Dperforming16、Acompete Bsucceed Cseparate Dcompromise17、Adrop in Bdrop off Cdrop out Ddrop back18、Amagic Bnervous Ccritical Dserious19、Aattractive Btalkative Cimaginative Dsup

9、portive20、Aconsideration Bintention Csuggestion DdecisionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1I spent most my twenties working for the Nat

10、ional Park Service, and I lived a wide variety of government housing, including several shabby but appealing old houses where the wild creatures outnumbered humans. Sometimes I wondered, lying awake at night, how many hearts beat inside those walls. With all that lovely national park habitat protect

11、ed for their use, why did the animals need to live in my house?My latest essay “The indoor wilds at outdoor parks,” revisits my experiences with wild (non-human!) roommates and officemates in Rocky Mountain National Park. At first, they were considered annoying but not dangerous. Attitudes changed d

12、ramatically when hantavirus (汉他病毒) came on the scene, and suddenly those cute, non-housebroken deer mice became a threat. When I moved on to Canyonlands National Park, I found that every effort had been made to seal off my house from four-footed intruders. These efforts mostly worked and later emplo

13、yees moved into new housing. But somehow a rat still managed to chew its way through the floor and drown itself in my toilet. Im not even going to get started about my coworkers, experiences with other much scarier animals.The Beaver Meadows Vistor Center in the story was designed by Tailiesin Assoc

14、iated Architects, Frank Lloyed Wrights firm, after Wrights death. Working there, I always thought the building was strange. I recently revisited the building while researching a childrens book I am writing about the park. I think I get it now, at least a little.1、What does the underlined word “their” in Paragraph 1 refer to?ASome park visitors. BEndangered animals.CThe authors coworkers. DThe authors wild roommates.2、Why did people show a change in attitude towards deer mice?ABecause a virus was spreading. BBecause people were hurt by them.CBecause people saw a really cute one. DBecaus


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