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1、2023年云南省大理白族自治州南涧彝族自治县考研英语一预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Madison Williams was studying in her bedroom when the door burst openIt was her mother,Leigh Williams,with

2、a horrific and incredible 1 :“A little boy fell into a septic tank(化粪池),and no one can 2 him”Then the mother 3 her 13-year-old daughter:“Can you help?”Madison and Leigh ran to a neighbors 4 ,where they found the boys worried mother and other adults 5 a septic tank openingIt was 11 inches in diameter

3、slightly wider than a basketballThe boy,who was only two years old,had slipped in and was 6 inside a tank that was eight feet deepMadison quickly surveyed the 7 She was the only one who could 8 through the small holeWithout hesitation,she got on her stomach next to the opening and said,“ 9 me in”Lei

4、gh and others 10 her waist and legs“I wiggled(扭动)my arms and shoulders until I got through the 11 ,”Madison saysInside,the tank was dark,and the air 12 In the process,she jammed her left wrist against a concealed pole, 13 her left handRather than 14 her injury,Madison skimmed the surface of the sewa

5、ge(污水),hoping to 15 the boyMinutes ticked by 16 she saw the faint outline of his footMadison shot her good hand out and grasped the foot 17 “Pull me up?”she shouted to the others aboveThen,ten minutes after Madison had entered the tank,she and the boy were 18 out“Madisons a(n) 19 ,99 says neighbor H

6、olley“What other teenage girl is going to 20 go into a septic tank?”1、Ajoke Bstory Cdream Dexperience2、Afetch Bfind Creach Dnotice3、Aordered Brequested Csuggested Dscolded4、Ayard Bstudy Cfence Dbasement5、Acovering Brepairing Cdecorating Dsurrounding6、Aplaying Bfloating Cdrowning Dswimming7、Aatmosphe

7、re Bscenery Cexhibition Dsituation8、Afit Bdive Cwalk Dsurvive9、AAllow BLower CThrow DPush10、Aheld Bshook Cdropped Draised11、Adoor Bcenter Copening Droof12、Acool Bfresh Csmelly Dpleasing13、Awrapping Binjuring Cexercising Dweakening14、Agive up B1eave out Csuffer from Dtend to15、Afeel Bpat Ccomfort Den

8、courage16、Aafter Bbefore Csince Dwhen17、Acuriously Bslightly Caimlessly Dtightly18、Ashot Bblown C1ifted Dpicked19、Ahero Bstar Cactress Dsuccess20、Apurposely Bcarefully Canxiously DvoluntarilySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below ea

9、ch text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Dolphins, African gray parrots and some other animals understand the idea of “zero,” but researchers were surprised to find that honeybees also comprehend this abstract concept, considering the insects tiny br

10、ains, according to a new study. Honeybees have fewer than one million neurons (神经元), compared with the 86 billion neurons in humansand yet, they grasp a concept that humans, by some measures, dont start to understand before preschool.The researchers set up two cards, each of which had a set of symbo

11、ls on them, like triangles or circles. Then, they trained a group of the bees to fly to the card with the lower number of symbols. The bees quickly learned what the humans wanted them to do to get their delicious, sweet rewards. The trained bees were then shown a card that was empty and one that had

12、 symbols on it. There is no need for the bees to be trained to fly more often to the empty cardthus showing that they understood that “zero” was a number less than the others.Although they flew more often to an empty card than to one that had one symbol on it, it became easier for them to distinguis

13、h when the symbols on the card increased in number. For example, they more often flew to the zero when the other card had four symbols than when it had one.Perhaps these findings will explain the brain mechanism (机制) behind what allows us to understand the concept of “nothing,” Adrian Dyer, a resear

14、cher said. This understanding, in turn, could help in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) that also understands this concept. “If bees can understand zero with a brain of less than a million neurons, it suggests there are simple, efficient ways to teach AI new tricks,” Dyer said in the statement.1、What is a surprising finding for the researchers?AMany animals also comprehend the meaning of “zero”.BThe number of neurons of honeybees is much smaller.CHoneybees can understand “zero” with their tiny brains.DHumans fail to recognize abstract ideas before preschool.2、What can the bee


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