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1、考研英语一九江市彭泽县2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Forever friendshipTwenty-one years ago,my husband gave me

2、Sam,an eight-week-old dog,to help me ease(减轻;缓解) the loss of our daughter. Later my husband and I moved from New York to New Jersey where our neighbor,whose cat had 1 had kittens,asked us if we would like one. We were afraid that Sam would not be 2 ,but we made up our 3 to take a kitten.We picked a

3、little,gray,playful cat. She 4 around running after imaginary mice and squirrels and jumped from table to chair very 5 ,so we named her Lightning(闪电)At 6 ,Sam and Lightning were not close to each other. But slowly,as the days went on,Lightning started 7 Sam. They slept together,ate together and play

4、ed together. When I took 8 one out of the house,the other was always 9 by the door when we returned. That was the 10 they lived for years.Then,without any 11 ,Sam suddenly died of a weak heart. This time,there was no Sam for Lightning to greet and no way to 12 why she would never see her friend agai

5、n.In the 13 that followed,Lightning seemed heartbroken. She could not 14 me in words that she was 15 ,but I could see the pain and 16 in her eyes whenever anyone opened the front door. The weeks 17 by,and the cats sorrow seemed to be lifting(消失). One day as I walked into our living room,I 18 to have

6、 a look at the floor next to our sofa 19 we had a sculptured replica(雕塑复制品)of Sam that we had bought a few years before. Lying next to the statue(雕塑),one arm wrapped around the statues neck,was Lightning,sleeping with her best 20 .1、ArecentlyBlastlyCfirstlyDnever2、AsadBexcitedCdisappointedDglad3、Ami


8、ksCseasons来源:学.科Dyears14、AexpressBtellCreportDsay15、AenjoyingBdoingCsufferingDmissing16、AdisappointmentBangerCexcitementDfun17、AcameBwentCgatheredDwalked18、AseemedBappearedChappenedDmeant19、AwhatBwhichCthatDwhere20、AfriendBenemyCsofaDchairSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the fol

9、lowing four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1What makes a family? How do family memembers get along with each other? Japanese director Hirokazu Koreeda tries to answer these questions in his films.His laters

10、t film, Shoplifters, is about his favrite topic family relations. With this film, Koreeda won this years Palme dOr (金棕榈奖), the Cannes Film Festivals top honor.Shoplifters tells the story of a poor family living in Tokyo. Three generations living under the same roof survive by stealing from local sho

11、ps.Obviously, what they are doing is wrong. But the director focuses more on the heartwarming details of the familys daily life, according to The Playist. Koreeda shows how the family memebers love and support each other. For example, the family plans a beach trip for the youngest sister. They caref

12、ully pick out swimwear for the girl. At the beach, they play happily. The girl draws a picture to help her remember their time together.This causes viewers to forget about their moral judgments(道德审判).This is another feature of Koreedas filming style. He is good at presenting ordinary life. Its slow

13、and full of small details sometimes its even boring. But there is tension(冲突) present as well. In Shoplifters, the surprise is that the family memembers dont actually have blood ties to each other, but they are still closer than a real family. They all have their own stories.In Japan and most other

14、Asian countries, blood ties are what defines (定义) family. But Koreeda questions that by looking at different kinds of relations.1、How does the family in the Shoplifters make a living?ABy drawing pictures. BBy working in local shops.CBy begging from neighbors. DBy stealing from the local stores.2、Wha

15、t is the feature of Koreedas filming style?ANo tension present at all.BBeing full of small boring details.CFocusing on the hard time of poor families.DShowing ordinary life through the details of daily life.3、What does Koreeda want to show us in the movie?AThe meaning of a family.BHow to get long with our families.CThe ordinary life in a Japanese family.DThe different relationship in a poor family.4、This passage is mainly about


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