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1、2023-2024年度湖南省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识每日一练试卷A卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、当本币升值,()。A.国内价格与出口价格一升一降B.国内价格和出口价格均不变C.国内价格和出口价格均上升D.国内价格和出口价格均下降【答案】 A2、Heating,ventilating,and air conditioning(HVAC) systems are_in most of underground subway stations to provide comfortable and fresh air to underground subway stations。A.assemble

2、dB.installingC.equippedD.installed【答案】 D3、我国正式加入世界贸易组织的日期是()。A.2001年11月9日B.1997年10月1日C.2001年12月11日D.1999年11月15日【答案】 C4、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009年末的每股税后利润为0. 2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.分期付息到期还本债券B.到期一次还本付息债券C.分期还本到期一次付息债券D.分期付息债券【答案】 A5、Passage 1A.pay off all her debtsB.handle her money betterC.find a job in a bank

3、D.manage the family income【答案】 B6、太阳系的构成部分没有( )。A.太阳B.小行星C.卫星D.银河【答案】 D7、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nine

4、teenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.A.She decided to further her education in ParisB.se

5、rious eye problem shopped herC.She couldnt get admitted to medical schoolD.It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States【答案】 B8、资料:Why is Salt Bad for You?A.his family doctorB.a heart specialistC.research scientistsD.a nutrition expert【答案】 D9、()是指一个组织在长期发展过程中,把组织内全体成员结合在一起的行为方式、价

6、值观念和道德规范,其具有目标导向、凝聚、激烈、创新等功能。A.组织机构B.组织领导C.组织文化D.组织安排【答案】 C10、资料:Above the line promotion uses mass media such as the press,radio,television,cinema or poster sites. This type of promotion is usually paid for. Each of the possible media methods can be used to target audiences in different market segm

7、ent. There are both strengths and drawbacks to these forms of media:A.it is hard to evaluate the effectiveness of a campaignB.the media are often expensiveC.it aims at specific audiencesD.it may have an immediate impact【答案】 B11、资料:The daily changes of the market can lead investors astray.The ups and

8、 downs make the tendency to look at the portfolio,s performance frequently too temping.This means investers are likely to perceive mere risk,forgetting about their key term goals.A.Most investors log into their trading accounts every dayB.The investors who seldom check daily changes may get more ret

9、urnsC.The potential gain and loss of assets can be predictedD.The potential growth rate of the portfolio is likely to be fixed【答案】 B12、The doctor hit me just below the knee to test my _.A.influxesB.inflowsC.flexesD.reflexes【答案】 D13、根据我国合同法的规定,存在下列()情形的合同,当事人一方有权请求人民法院或者仲裁机构撤销合同。A.因重大误解订立的B.损害国家利益的C.

10、以合法形式掩盖非法目的D.违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定的【答案】 A14、资料:What if you were told there was a way you may strengthen your cognitive skills and heighten your intelligence, and all you had to do was was learn to strike up basic conversations in another language?A.Strengthen your cognitive skillsB.Improve your basic conv

11、ersationsC.Begin to learn a foreign languageD.Talk with others as often as possible【答案】 C15、统计指标按其所反映的内容或其数值表现形式,可以分为总量指标、相对指标和()。A.比例指标B.比率指标C.平均指标D.变异指标【答案】 C16、在金融衍生工具中,()的风险最大。A.互换B.期权C.期货D.远期【答案】 D17、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others. HSBCs History Wall, a

12、striking art installation at the banks London headquarters, is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.It strengthens the companys relations with customers and employeesB.For carmakers, they can overhaul old designs for the modern eraC.It can help

13、companies to become the most profitable in the marketD.It can give companies ideas for new products【答案】 C18、资料:Are walkers smarter than drivers?A.UrbanizationB.Young peopleC.BothD.Unknown【答案】 C19、 ( )主管全国的会计工作。A.中国人民银行总行B.国务院C.国务院财政部门D.全国人民代表大会【答案】 C20、Prior()his departure,he addressed a letter to h

14、is daughter.A.toB.ofC.inD.from【答案】 A21、2018年3月11日,十三届全国人大一次会议表决通过了中华人民共和国宪法修正案。关于本次宪法修正案下列说法错误的是()A.我国现行宪法是“八二宪法”,目前经历了5次修改B.社会主义民族关系的表述中增加了“和谐”C.宪法修正案规定监察委员会委员长由全国人大选举产生D.宪法修正案规定县级市有权制定地方性法规【答案】 D22、2020年1月6日,国家主席习近平在人民大会堂同基里巴斯总统马茂会谈后共同见证两国共建“一带一路”谅解备忘录的签署。这标志着中国同所有()个建交太平洋岛国都签署了共建“一带一路”合作文件。A.5B.7C.8D.10【答案】 D23、甲乙两人相约同时从AB两地相向而行,10个小时后相遇。但实际上


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