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1、中学七选五专练小卷(五)(北京市清华大学附属中学2022-2023学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题)We love to mimic the routines of the rich and famous, but they may be no more insightful than random behaviors. Beethoven, for example, counted exactly 60 coffee beans for each cup, which he used to power his composing.Why do successful people follow

2、 unusually specific habits? And why are we so keen to read about them and mimic them in our own lives?The answer lies in a powerful psychological process called “superstitious learning”. 121 While it is mostly correct, it sometimes mistakes coincidence for causality (因果关系) leading us to attribute su

3、ccess to something arbitrary (主观的) as the color of our notebook, rather than our own talent or hard work.That is not to say the resulting habits are completely lacking in benefits. 122 If superstitious behaviors arise as a by-product of our ability to form associations, then you would expect more su

4、perstitious people to perform better on implicit learning the brains ability to non-consciously pick up patterns and this was exactly what Elena Daprati, a neuroscientist at the University of Rome Tor Vergata found. “Superstitious individuals generally pick up on the cue and use it,” she says. 123 C

5、reative tasks are especially common with uncertainty which may explain why thinkers like Beethoven adopted specific behaviors to get their thoughts flowing.Often, the rituals that we acquire take very little effort. 124 Although the initial association with success may have been illusory (幻想的) the p

6、ositive mindset that it produces really does improve our performance the next time so we do it again and again. 125 If the action costs nothing and helps you to feel a bit more in control of your day, its perfectly rational to continue.AThe brain is constantly looking for associations between two ev

7、ents.BDaprati suggests this may even be the reason that we persist in these behaviors.CGiven these findings, we need not be embarrassed by the little rituals that pepper our days.DIn some cases, when the association influences high-level decision-making, superstitious learning may be costly.EThe sci

8、entific study of superstitious learning began in the late 1940s, with an influential paper by an American psychologist.FIn everyday life, this associative learning might lead us to settle on a “lucky” pen that seems to deliver particularly good grades in exams.GBy giving us a sense of self-determina

9、tion, the adoption of rituals can help us to overcome anxiety, and may even bring about a noticeable boost in performance.(江苏省徐州市2022-2023学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题)Each place on this planet has its own unique traits culture and customs. In addition, different locales have their own languages and dialects. 12

10、6 As people travel more frequently, they exchange goods and ideas. Thus, the blending of cultures has become easier and more commonplace. In the age of globalization, one may argue that language acts as a barrier to communication. Individual dialects may divide people even further. 127 Dialects are

11、important for international business. Read on to learn how. DIALECTS RETAIN IDENTITYMany cultures use different words or pronunciations for the same thing. 128 Many times, exact translations are impossible. For example, one language may have a specific word for something, while another does not. If

12、each language were standardized with the same set of words and pronunciations, cultures would lose their identities. DIALECTS HELP SPREAD CREATIVITYNew words spread freely throughout different cultures thanks to world travel and the internet. In our modern society, each person can travel to experien

13、ce new things. By learning new languages and dialects, a person expands his or her mind. Opening ones mind promotes creativity. 129 Therefore, as we interact internationally, these exchanges lead to innovations. DIALECTS INCREASE INDEPENDENCE 130 Even though a small group is part of a larger whole,

14、their unique form of expression sets them apart. Their uniqueness provides them a sense of independence. Oftentimes, people from a specific area take pride in their dialect. Differences enhance cultural diversity and increase independence. Without diversity, our world would not progress in business

15、or technology. Our world needs dialects and individual expression to keep cultures alive for future generations. Preserving dialects is good for creativity, innovation, and business.AThe free exchange of ideas leads to new ideas.BUnique pronunciations help give a culture its identity.CA dialect, by

16、definition, is specific to a region or group.DWhen exchanging ideas, they feel comfortable speaking dialects.ETherefore, a standardized language is crucial in the communication.FHowever, dialects express the unique qualities of a particular region.GLanguage and dialects preserve the unique cultural elements of a given p


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