Unit+1+My+name’s+Gina.+Section+B+2a-2c 人教版英语七年级上册

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《Unit+1+My+name’s+Gina.+Section+B+2a-2c 人教版英语七年级上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit+1+My+name’s+Gina.+Section+B+2a-2c 人教版英语七年级上册(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Unit 1 My names Gina.Section B 2a-2c2According to p.5,finish the phrases and sentences.1.在中国 _ 2.我的名_3.他的姓 _ 4.她的朋友_5.我的电话号码是1234。.6.我的朋友是Gina Smith。.7.我的朋友在中国。.my first namein Chinahis last nameMy phone number is 1234her friendMy friend is Gina SmithMy friend is in ChinaSelf-studySelf-study3What a

2、re the differences between Chinese and Western names?中文姓名和西方姓名的区别是什么?Tu Youyou屠呦呦屠呦呦Marie Curie玛丽玛丽居里居里Warming up4英语国家人名first name名字last name姓中国人名last name姓first name名字Marie Curiefirst namelast namelast namefirst nameTu Youyou5Do you know your first name and last name?你知道怎么表达你的名和姓吗?你知道怎么表达你的名和姓吗?英语国

3、家人名first name名字last name姓中国人名last name姓first name名字6Whats her first name?Whats her last name?Linda BrownHan MeimeiHanBrownMeimeiLinda7Whats his first name?Whats his last name?Li HuaTom GreenTom GreenLi Hua82a Read the list of names.Write F for first name and L for last name.阅读下面的姓名、在名字后写F,在姓氏后写L。1.A

4、lan 2.Green3.Miller4.Mingming5.GinaLLFLLFFLFF6.Jack7.Smith8.Brown9.Zhang10.Mary92b Read the messages and match them with the pictures.阅读以下信息,并与图片配对。BCA102b Read the messages again.Circle the first names and underline the last names.再次阅读信息,在名字上画圈,在姓氏下划线。BCA112c Match the names with the phone numbers.

5、将姓名与电话号码配对。NamesEric BrownGina SmithDale MillerZhang MingmingJenny GreenMary BrownTelephone numbers358-6344929-3155281-9176257-8900357-5689232-467212Friends1._ and _2._ and _3._ and _ Jenny GreenGina SmithDale Miller Eric BrownMary Brown Zhang Mingming2c Read the messages fast.Then find three pairs

6、of friends.找出文中的三对朋友。132c Make conversations with the information.根据表格信息进行对话。My name is _.My first name is _.My last name is _.My phone number is _.My friends name is _.My friends first name is _.My friends last name is _.My friends phone number is _.First nameJennyGinaLast nameGreenSmithPhone numbe

7、r281-9176232-4672First nameDaleEricLast nameMillerBrownPhone number357-5689358-6344First nameMaryMingmingLast nameBrownZhangPhone number257-8900 929-315514LanguageLanguagePointsPointsWhats your first name?Jack.Whats your last name?Smith.firstlast/f:(r)st/lst/adj.第一第一adj.最后的;末尾的最后的;末尾的=first name名字名字

8、+name 名字+name 名字=last name姓姓firstlast=given name=family name152b Read the messages and match them with the pictures.阅读以下信息,并与图片配对。1.My name is Jenny Green.My phone number is 281-9176.My friend is Gina Smith.Her phone number is 232-4672.2.Im Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown.His telephone numbe

9、r is 357-5689.My telephone numberis 358-6344.3.My name is Mary Brown.My friend is in China.Her name is Zhang Mingming.My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.LanguageLanguagePointsPointsfriend n.朋友朋友 good friend 好朋友好朋友162b Read the messages and match them with the pictures.阅读以下信息,并与图片

10、配对。1.My name is Jenny Green.My phone number is 281-9176.My friend is Gina Smith.Her phone number is 232-4672.2.Im Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown.His telephone number is 357-5689.My telephone numberis 358-6344.3.My name is Mary Brown.My friend is in China.Her name is Zhang Mingming.My phone

11、number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.LanguageLanguagePointsPointsin China 在中国在中国 in+地点地点 在某个地方在某个地方Chinese adj.中国中国(人人)的的 n.中国人;汉语中国人;汉语in Chinese 用汉语用汉语17一、单项选择1.I have a good friend.Her name is Gina Brown.Gina is her name,and Brown is her name.A.first;first B.first;lastC.last;first D.last

12、;last2.My name is Mary Jefferson Black.My last name is .A.MaryB.Jefferson C.BlackD.Jefferson Black3.Whats your telephone ,Alan?Its 274-6229.A.name B.colorC.numberD.map4.I live(居住)Suining.A.at B.onC.inD./ExercisesExercisesBCCC18二、根据句意或汉语提示完成单词。1.I am Kate Smith.My name is Kate.2.Hes Wang Ming.His name is Wang.3.Theyre in (中国)now.4.My (朋友)is Gina Brown.5.His telephone (号码)is 138-6620.ExercisesExercisesfirstlastChinafriendnumber19



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