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1、中学完形填空专练小卷(三)(浙江省金华十市校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末调研考试英语试题)A 71-year-old Swedish man “cant put into words” how thankful he is for the new technology that saved him from sudden cardiac arrest (心脏骤停). The 151 occurred while he was clearing snow in his 152 . In such situations people 153 have about ten minutes t

2、o 154 help, but ambulance response times are often too long to save a patients life.Luckily, an 155 call for emergency service was made, and the man lived in a region that had partnered with an innovative 156 program called EMADE.EMADE drones (无人机) swiftly delivered an automated external defibrillat

3、or (AED), a device to save a persons life during a sudden cardiac arrest, to the 157 and the time from the alarm to the safe 158 of the AED was just over three minutes. 159 , a doctor drove by. “I was on my way to work at the local hospital when I noticed a man 160 in his driveway and I immediately

4、rushed to help.” says Dr. Mustafa Ali. “The man had no pulse (脉搏), so I started 161 CPR while asking another bystander to call the ambulance. Just minutes later. I 162 something flying above me it was a drone carrying an AED!”After receiving on-site treatment, the patient was 163 to the hospital upo

5、n the arrival of the ambulance.“This is a truly 164 technology that needs to be established everywhere.” said the patient who now has made a full 165 and returned home. “If it werent for the drone. I probably wouldnt be here.”151AchangeBconflictCincidentDcampaign152AdoorwayBbackyardChouseDdriveway15

6、3AquicklyBgraduallyCexactlyDusually154AseekBofferCstopDrefuse155AinfluentialBimmediateCimpressiveDinspiring156Aenergy-efficientBlife-savingCcost-effectiveDfamily-centered157AhospitalBambulanceCsceneDroom158AstorageBpurchaseCdeliveryDreturn159AOn purposeBBy chanceCWithout delayDIn fact160ArestedBwave

7、dCstruggledDcollapsed161AlearningBperformingCexplainingDteaching162AnoticedBimaginedCrememberedDmissed163ArushedBcalledCguidedDdragged164AstableBrealisticCpopularDuseful165AreportBinquiryCrecoveryDpreparation(浙江金华第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题)Im a college professor teaching people how to think more c

8、reatively. Interestingly, this lifetime passion was 166 by a casual contest when I was a child. At a family picnic for employees of the company where my father worked, they held a contest for the children-who could throw a cloth handkerchief the farthest. The first 167 , the little ones, took mighty

9、 wind-ups(挥臂动作), but when the cloth left their hands, it opened and flew to the ground a few 168 in front of them. The crowd roared with laughter, and being 13, I didnt like adults laughing at us. It was 169 that using the same technique would not work. Suppose I 170 a rock inside the handkerchief?N

10、o, it was “throw a handkerchief”, not “a rock and a handkerchief”. When they inspected it, Id be 171 Suppose I hid a rock in the cloth without tying it. The rock would drive the cloth at least farther than the others, and when they 172 , people might not notice a small rock landing in the grass. I h

11、ad a good 173 of getting away with it(侥幸逃脱). However, I didnt want to win by cheating but to show the adults that a(n) 174 could beat others at their own game. I had to make the handkerchief fly like a rock. I 175 began tying knot after knot until it was the size of a large rock. I took a long wind-

12、up and threw the 176 handkerchief which landed 60 feet away. The laughing 177 and everyone was dumbfounded. The 178 then ran to fetch it to examine how Id cheated. ”Its just the handkerchief,“ he 179 , holding it up and untying the knots. The adults applauded kindly and I felt proud. I hadnt broken

13、the rules, but I had broken the 180 ideas, which was the secret to creative thinking.166AawakenBcreatedCenhancedDspread167AstudentsBthrowersCrunnersDtutors168AkilometersBmetersCinchesDmiles169AimpossibleBessentialCunclearDobvious170AtiedBcastChidDdrew171AincludedBunemployedCdisqualifiedDinvolved172A

14、separatedBdisappearedCcombinedDsank173AtimeBreasonCchanceDexcuse174AbabyBkidCgeniusDadult175AcasuallyBimmediatelyCsecretlyDeventually176AarrowedBballedClightDsoft177AdiedBroseCdeclinedDdoubled178AloserBjudgeCwinnerDaudience179ArespondedBprotestedCadmittedDannounced180AcriticalBmodernCinnovativeDconventional(浙江省温州市十校联合体2022-2023学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题)Sinking onto the sofa in my living room on a Friday evening, I was emotionally worn out from a busy workweek and eager to find a temporary 181 . Nearby, my


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