Revision+for+Module+3 外研版初中英语八年级上册

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1、Revision for Module 3Module 3 Sports2 Summing upSumming up重点单词重点单词baseball n.棒球 volleyball n.排球 boring adj.无聊的exciting adj.令人激动的 relaxing adj.使人放松的 already adv.早已 matter n.问题 enjoyable adj.令人愉快的 hurt v.(使)受伤stadium n.体育场 miss v.未击中 mind v.介意 train v.操练 against prep.反对 practice n.练习 warm v.使暖和 usual

2、adj.通常的 beat v.打败 coach n.教练 pleased adj.开心的 pass v.传送 careless adj.粗心的 chance n.机会 loudly adv.大声地 confident adj.自信的 Olympics n.奥林匹克运动会 3 Summing upSumming up重点短语重点短语 good at 擅长 2.notat all 一点也不 that 目的是;为了 against 和对打5.keep fit 保持健康 6.get lost 迷路7.lose to 输给 8.more popular than比更流行9.

3、more than 多于 10.need to do sth.需要做某事11.speak loudly 大声说话 12.have a chance of 有一个的机会13.cheeron 用欢呼声激励 club 球迷(或影迷、歌迷)俱乐部15.warm up 热身4 Summing upSumming up重点句型重点句型1.So this weeks match is already more exciting.所以这周的比赛更加令人兴奋。2.Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?3.Yes,watching is not dangerous and i

4、ts more relaxing too!是的,看电视不危险并且也更令人放松!4.Its safer than playing tennis.比打网球安全得多。5 Summing upSumming up重点句型重点句型5.We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up.我们尽可能早地到达,以便我们有时间热身。6.Our coach is pleased because we are playing better as a team now.我们的教练非常高兴,因为我们现在合作得非常好。7.I found run

5、ning more boring.我发现跑步更无聊。8.The more you go jogging,the healthier you will feel.你慢跑跑得越多,你就会感到越健康。6 Summing upSumming up【重点语法重点语法】多音节词的比较级多音节词的比较级构成:多音节和部分双音节词在构成比较级时是在该词前加 more。expensivemore expensivetiringmore tiringsuccessfullymore successfullydifficultmore difficultexcitingmore excitingwonderfull

6、ymore wonderfully7 Question timeQuestion timeI will ask you some questions.Please answer my questions quickly.8 baseball volleyball boring exciting relaxing already matter enjoyable hurt stadium miss mind train against practice warm usual beat coach pleased pass careless chance loudly confident Olym

7、pics Question timeQuestion timeTranslate the words into Chinese9 good at 2.notat all that against 5.keep fit 6.get lost 7.lose to 8.more popular than 9.more than 10.need to do sth.11.speak loudly 12.have a chance of 13.cheeron club 15.warm up Question timeQuestion timeTransla

8、te the phrases into Chinese10 WritingWriting【写法指导写法指导】介绍你所喜爱的运动项目及其原因。介绍你所喜爱的运动项目及其原因。文章首先要点出自己喜欢的体育项目是什么;然后说出自己喜欢的原因。在表达原因时要注意把你喜欢的项目和其他动项目作比较;最后可对你喜欢的项目作出评述,以总结全文。常用写作句型:My favourite sport isIt is more popular thanIt is easier than.It is more dangerous than.11 WritingWriting【小试身手小试身手】假设你叫李明,向你的朋友介

9、绍一下你喜爱的运动项目及原因。要求书写工整,语句流畅,80 词左右。_12 WritingWriting【范文示例范文示例】My favourite sport My favourite sport is basketball.It is a very popular game,and both the young and the old can play it.We can play it indoors and outdoors.I think it is easier than football.It is more popular than tennis.Now many people

10、 like to play basketball.It is good for our health.My favourite basketball player is Yao Ming.He plays basketball very well.I hope I can play basketball as well as him.13 WritingWriting【写作点评写作点评】作者开篇点题,指出了自己最喜欢的运动项目是篮球。接着说明篮球非常受欢迎,老少都喜欢。然后把篮球和足球进行了比较:比足球容易;接着又和网球做了比较:比网球更受欢迎。并说明篮球的好处:有益于身体健康。然后又说出了自

11、己最喜爱的篮球运动员是姚明,并给自己制定了目标:希望和姚明打得一样好。文章短小精悍,没有啰嗦的句子,表述流畅自然,是一篇很不错的小短文。14 TestTestI.选择填空。选择填空。1.You are doing great!Ive never had _ answer before.A.better C.a better D.the best2.This blue bike is too expensive.Could you show me a _ one? B.cheaper C.Cheapest3.Its safe _ you to stay at home

12、 B.for C.with D.Of4.Mr Smith,would you please speak a little more _?Sorry!I thought you could follow me.A.quietly B.quickly C.slowly D.politely5.Whose picture is better,Jacks or Toms?I like Jacks and I think Jack draws _ Tom.A.better than B.worse than good as well as15 I.选择填空。选择填空。6.H

13、ave you ever read the book Harry Potter?Yes,and I think its very _,I want to read it again.A.boring B.exciting C.bored D.Excited7.You must keep your eyes _ when you do eye exercises.A.close C.closed D.Opened8.Tom is six and he is _ his sister,Jane.How old is Jane?Three.A.three years older tha

14、n B.two years older than C.three years younger than old as9.Look!How _ the boys are!Yes.They won the game this afternoon.A.exciting B.excitement C.excite D.excited10.Is the maths problem _?Yes,I can work it out _.A.easy;easily B.easy;easy C.easily;easily D.easily;easyTestTest16 II.根据所给中文提示或首字母提

15、示写单词,完成句子。根据所给中文提示或首字母提示写单词,完成句子。1.I do not think that movie is very _(令人愉快的).2.We can check the _(词汇)in the dictionary.3.Please speak l .I cant hear you.4.Climbing is d ,but cycling is safe.5.Careful and c are two opposite(相反的)words in meaning.enjoyableTestTestangerousarelessvocabularyouder17 III.句

16、型转换。句型转换。1.Running is cheaper than cycling.(改为同义句)Cycling is _ _ than running.2.Lucy is the tallest of the girls.(改为同义句)Lucy is taller than _ _ girl.3.I like table tennis because it is more popular.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you like table tennis?4.I get to school early.She gets to school earlier.(合并为一句)She gets to school _ than _.5.His brother does his homework carefully.(对画线部分提问)_ _ his brother _ his homework?moreTestTestexpensiveWhydoearlierIanyotherHowdoesdo18 HomeworkHomework1.复习本模块的单词和短语。2.熟读本模块的重点句型。Th



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