高考英语二轮复习提升考能 16

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《高考英语二轮复习提升考能 16》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习提升考能 16(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、-1-.常考句型【句型 1】We,therefore,can make clear from the above discussion that.“因此,由上面的讨论我们可以明白”仿写:因此,由上面的讨论我们可以明白学习英语很重要。We,therefore,can make clear from the above discussion that learning English is very important.【句型 2】.the.est名词(that)主语have everseen(known/heard/had/read,etc).the most形容词名词(that)主语have

2、everseen(known/heard/had/read,etc)仿写:海伦是我所看过的最美丽的女孩。Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.张老师是我曾经遇到的最仁慈的教师。Mr.Zhang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.完形填空 体 裁 话 题 关键词 建议时间 正确率 记叙文 家庭 love 15 分钟/20 Filled by a Daughters Love When I was going to work today,my 16yearold daugh

3、ter came over and gave me a big hug and a kiss.I asked her what she 1 .She replied,“Nothing,Mum.You always wish us to have a 2 day before we leave the house,but I was 3 who wishes you to have a good day and lets you know how much you are 4 .”-2-I am so touched by the love and 5 from my children.Last

4、 night my 15yearold son asked me 6 he could get a summer job in order to help us pay our bills.7 ,in our area,one must be 16 in order to get a job.When I told him“no”he said that he could help our 8 cut the grass nearby our house with our lawn mower(割草机)Both of my children depend on me 9 because I a

5、m a single parent.But just when I think I wont be 10 to provide for them,they come up with ways to help out.I 11 understand that I will still have to manage to pay the 12 as I dont want my children to share the burden.They are children and have 13 things to do with school and the volunteer work they

6、 do with the homeless.But the fact that they offered to help without anyone 14 touches me deeply.When my daughter was two,I remember rushing to get to work,and when I was 15 ,fussing(烦恼)about her 16 me to the door.She had a bag that she was holding 17 .I said,“We dont have time for this.”She said,“1

7、8 it with love,Mum.”I bent down,19 her,then kissed her and said,“Thank you.”From that moment on she would bring the 20 and I would fill it with love before leaving for work.Today she brought me the love.【语篇导读】一个单亲妈妈带着女儿和儿子艰难地生活着,但是由于孩子们非常懂事,妈妈的生活中多了一份甜蜜和浪漫。1A.wanted Bintended Cliked Dexpected 解析考查动词

8、。上文谈到我去上班前,女儿走过来拥抱了我并给了我一个吻。再结合下文女儿的回答“Nothing,Mum.”可知作者问女儿想要(wanted)什么。答案A 2A.happy Bgood Clucky Dperfect 解析考查形容词。下文中的“who wishes you to have a good day”暗示了答案。女儿说,妈妈总是在他们离开家之前,祝福他们“have a good day”。答案B 3A.forgetting about Bcomplaining about Cthinking about Dtalking about 解析考查动词短语。女儿说:“我在考虑谁来祝福妈妈”。t

9、hink about“考虑”;forget about“忘记”;complain about“抱怨”;talk about“谈论”。根据-3-语境可知 C 项正确。答案C 4A.supported Bcared Crespected Dloved 解析考查语境选词。根据语境可知此处意为“让您知道我们多么爱(loved)您”。答案D 5A.understanding Bgreeting Ccaring Dkissing 解析考查语境选词。我被来自孩子们的爱心和理解(understanding)深深地打动了。答案A 6A.where Bif Cthat Dhow 解析考查连接词。由下文 When

10、I told himno可知昨晚,15 岁的儿子问他是否(if)可以在暑假打短工赚钱补贴家用。答案B 7A.Strangely BLuckily CUnfortunately DObviously 解析考查副词。由上下文语境可知,此处表示“遗憾地”。句意:遗憾的是,在我们这里,年满 16 岁才能打工。答案C 8A.relatives Bfriends Cteachers Dneighbors 解析考查名词。由后面的“the grass nearby our house”可知,儿子说他可以用我们家的割草机帮助邻居(neighbors)割草。答案D 9A.so much Bso little Cs

11、o well Dso often 解析考查语境选词。由空格后面的“because I am a single parent”可推断出,我的两个孩子对我都很依赖。故选 A。答案A 10A.easy Bable Cpossible Dprobable 解析考查语境选词。当我以为我没有能力(able)提供他们生活所需时,他们总-4-是能想出办法摆脱困境。be able to(do sth)表示“能,能够”。答案B 11A.gradually Bslightly Ccompletely Dparticularly 解析考查副词。我完全(completely)理解,我需要继续努力。gradually“逐

12、渐地”;slightly“略微”;particularly“尤其”。答案C 12A.clothes Bfood Crent Dbills 解析考查名词。上文的“he could get a summer job in order to help us pay our bills”有暗示。manage to pay the bills“设法支付账单”。答案D 13A.enough Blittle Cnothing Dmuch 解析考查语境选词。他们是孩子,他们在学校里已经有足够多的(enough)事做。答案A 14A.demanding Basking Cknowing Drequiring 解

13、析考查动词。在没有人要求的情况下,他们主动要帮助家长的事实令我感动不已。demand“强烈要求”;know“知道”;require“需要”;ask“要求,请求”。答案B 15A.at the backyard Bin my room Cat the front door Din the kitchen 解析考查短语。由下文的“to the door”可知此处应填 at the front door。女儿两岁时,我急匆匆地去上班,我走到了门口。答案C 16A.blocking Bhurrying Cinterrupting Dfollowing 解析考查动词。女儿跟我到门口,对此我很不耐烦。fo

14、llow“跟随,跟着”,block“堵塞,阻塞”;hurry“催促,急忙”;interrupt“打岔”。答案D-5-17A.tight Bopen Cclosed Dloose 解析考查形容词。她拿着一个撑开的(open)袋子。答案B 18A.Carry BEnjoy CFill DTake 解析考查动词。由下文的“and I would fill it with love”可知此处应填 Fill。答案C 19A.praised Bpatted Cheld Dhugged 解析考查动词。由第一段女儿“gave me a big hug and a kiss”及语境可推断出我拥抱了女儿。我弯下腰,拥抱(hugged)女儿,然后吻她,并说“谢谢你”。答案D 20A.bag Btoy Cbox Dcase 解析考查名词。由上文的“She had a bag that.”可知此处应填 bag。从那时起,每次我去上班前,她都拿来袋子(bag)装妈妈的爱。答案A



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