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1、教师资格证笔试:初中英语2020 年下半年考试真题与答案解析教师资格证笔试:初中英语2020 年下半年考试真题与答案解析一、单项选择题一、单项选择题本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分。本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分。1.Which of the following shows the correct stress of the word pedestrian?A./padestrin/B./padestrin/C./padestrin/D./padestrin/【答案】D2.Which of the following words has a differe

2、nt stress pattern?A.Facility B.CaterpillarC.Community D.Accompany【答案】B3.Because of the strong sun the new drawing-room curtains have from dark blue to grey.A.fade B.paledC.fainted D.blurred【答案】A4.Which of the following pairs of words are synonyms?A.Red-color B.Tall-shortC.Petrol-gasoline D.Father-fa

3、ther【答案】C5.We dont know what experiment those researchers would on females to test this hypothesis.A.apply B.carryC.deliver D.perform【答案】B6.Tom said he would go to Hong Kong for winter vacation and he go.A.did B.hadC.does D.will【答案】A7.It is forbidden faster than 60 mph on this highway.A.to driving B

4、.to driveC.being driven D.to be driven【答案】B8.In the sentence Its no use crying over the spilt milk,the italicized part is .A.an object B.an adverbialC.a subject D.a complement【答案】C 9.Which of the following describes the function of the sentence“It is a nice day,isnt it”?A.Informative B.PhaticC.Direc

5、tive D.Performative【答案】B10.Which of the following describes the process in which ones language ability is developed in natural and everyday situation?A.Performance B.CompetenceC.Learning D.Acquisition【答案】D11.What role does he/she play when a teacher explains the purpose of a task,the steps to do it

6、and its time limit?A.An organizer.B.An observerC.An evaluator D.A prompter【答案】A12.What does he/she intend to do when a teacher writes the following sentences“She gets up early.She wears a uniform.She works very hard.”on the blackboard at the presentation stage?A.Practice sentence patterns using mode

7、l sentences.B.Check if students can pronounce the sentences.C.Monitor whether students can accurately express their ideas.D.Draw students attention to the form of a new language item.【答案】D13.What skill does he/she use when a student uses language knowledge and contextual clues to figure out the mean

8、ing of a new word?A.Contrasting.B.SummarizingC.Deducing D.Predicting【答案】C14.Supplementing,deleting,simplifying and reordering are often used in .A.adapting teaching materialsB.delivering teaching materialsC.evaluating teaching materialsD.presenting teaching materials【答案】A15.Which of the following is

9、 least recommended at the lead-in stage in a reading class?A.Activating students schema of the topic.B.Giving advice on how to use reading strategies.C.Sharing background information about the text.D.Correcting language mistakes students have made.【答案】D16.Which of the following best describes the ph

10、enomenon that learners apply the skills acquired in one field to another?A.Transfer B.DeductionC.Contextualization D.Induction【答案】A17.If the focus is placed on students are supposed to go through the stages of drafting,receiving feedback,and revising before submitting the final version of their writ

11、ing.A.Product B.processC.genre D.format【答案】B18.What would he/she do in a reading class if a teacher wants to develop students inferential comprehension?A.Ask them to retell the story.B.Ask them to underline difficult sentences.C.Ask them to read the text sentence by sentence.D.Ask them to read the t

12、ext for implied meaning.【答案】D19.Which of the following activities can be used if the focus is on developing students oral fluency in English?A.Blank-filling.B.Story-telling.C.Transformation.D.Translation.【答案】B20.What is the focus when a teacher says to the class Rewrite each of the following sentenc

13、es using the passive voice.A.Skill B.MeaningC.Structure D.Function【答案】C请阅读 Passage1,完成第 2125 小题。Passage 1In a traditional classroom,much,if not most,of class time is spent with the teacher presenting content-telling,showing,explaining and lecturing.Whether its a first-grade teacher reading to studen

14、ts,a high school government teacher lecturing on the Articles of Confederation,or a math teacher demonstrating how to solve an equation,class time is when the teacher delivers information and the students receive it.Ideally,lessons involve a mixture of delivery and discussion,supplemented by activit

15、ies that engage students to support their comprehension.But in reality,just getting the content across can take most of the class period,especially when lessons are interrupted by student questions,discipline problems,and distractions like fire drills,assemblies,and other disruptions.There are lots

16、of good reasons for this model and its durability in education.It is an efficient way to assure that all students have access to the same course content,and it provides a way for teachers to transmit their expertise in a subject,and enthusiasm for it,to their students.Most teachers love being the sage on the stage,and many are very good at it.Nevertheless,many teachers also feel frustrated by the limitations of this model,especially when lecture and presentation take up the lion s share of the c



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