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1、Unit 1 Change in the Way We Live学习目标总目标:1.grasp the main idea(tolerance for solitude and energy made it possible for the writers family to enjoy theirpleasant but sometimes harsh country life);2.appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer(comparison and contrast,topic sentences followed

2、 bydetail sentences,use of transitional devices,etc.);3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4.conduct a series of reading,listening,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.核心词汇:haul improvement supplement spray pursue household stack wicked

3、illustrate digest boundarygenerate premium lower patronize suspect budget requirement resist temptation device profitinvest primarily mushroom gasp whip dizzy entertainment rent重要短语:aside from at that point cut back dine out get by get through make it pick up on balance at one timeget along miss out

4、 in addition whip up go with as a result take over make sense经典句式:when it comes to.not all./not everyth ing/e very one/both.写作技巧:叙事法,例证法文化背景知识1.the country life 乡村生活英国的乡村以其美丽的湖泊,秀美的山峦,幽静的森林,以及蜿蜒而漫长的海岸线而闻名。人们常常将乡村与宁静联系在一起,将乡村与休闲联系在一起。人们在闲暇时在乡间漫步,骑单车,去乡间野餐。许多人梦想着能生活在乡下。美国的西部也有类似的美景,比如蒙大拿州和怀俄明州。人们很少住在这

5、些地方,因为生活在这里很艰难。医院、学校和商店等这样的服务设施离人们很远。次购物就意味着次长途的旅行,有人甚至于从家里开车到主干道上取去邮箱里的邮件。尽管乡村生活有诸多的不便,很多住在乡下的人仍会说,他们喜欢哪里的环境。2.Ivy League常春藤盟校它的起源是在二十世纪初,美国东北部的八个大学组成的个体育联盟。这八所大学是:哈佛大学(Harvard Universily)、普林斯顿大学(Princeton U niversity耶鲁大学(Yale U niversity哥伦比亚大 学(Columbia University)N 康乃尔大学(Cornell University)布朗大学(B

6、rown University)宾州大学(University of Pennsylvania)和达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth University)o 在 美国新闻与世界报导的排行榜中,八所常春藤盟校全在前卜四名,前三名分别是普林斯顿、哈佛和耶鲁。常春藤盟校的学生们不仅在学术上你追我赶,在体育上也互不相让,非常热心地支持自己的学校。比如哈佛大学和耶鲁大学一年一度的橄榄球赛就是一例。春藤盟校是“学术实力”的象征。这八所大学在学术上都很优秀,校园富有贵族气息,历史都非常悠久。直到现在,当人们赞扬某个大学时,还会称它为“西部的常春藤”、“南部的常春藤”、或 是“中部的常春藤2.Sports I

7、llustrated 体育画报美国一体育杂志,每周由时代华纳公司分部出版。最早出现于1954年,专为刃人阅读。3.Individual Retirement Account 个人退休金帐户一项美国政府允许人们将一部分收入存入特殊银行帐户的计划。这一笔钱在退休前无须付税。Section APre-reading TaskListen to the recording two or three times and then think over the following questions:1.Taking a break from city life,escaping from the cro

8、wd.2.Whenever you need a bit of room to move,when life becomes too fast.3.Escape from the pollution of the city-somewhere to get some decent air to breathe;somewhere where the sunis not hidden by smog.4.Yes.The singer needs a break because the pace of life has quickened,the environment has been chan

9、ged and theold life style is gone.课文精析I 课文简评本文是篇叙事散文。作者讲述了自己乡村生活的苦与乐。作者讲述了作为作家和农场主双重身份下,终于寻找到了心灵的满足。作者满足于田园生活带给自己的乐趣:他们能自力更生,自食其力,也能享受劳作后欣赏大自然美景的愉悦,以及丰收后的喜悦与满足。然而,乡村生活也有它的艰苦与艰辛:严酷的天气条件带给作者及其家人的麻烦与不便,以及低收入带来的经济拮据,甚至于为了挣稿费作者不得不参加各种艰苦的活动。为了降低开支他们想尽办法。然而作者和家人巧妙而又乐观地应对这 切,并且认为这正是他们追求的生活方式。本文可分为四部分:引 言(第

10、1一3 段)、展 开 段(4-7段)、展 开 段(8-11段)、总 结(1215段)。I I 写作技巧本文是篇叙事散文。作者在文章前三段,总体说明乡村生活带来的满足。在第四段到第七段,作者讲到了乡村生活的艰难。在第八段到第卜一段中,作者重点讲述了在辞职后全家人是如何以微薄的收入应对艰难的。第十二段到第十五段,作者总结了是什么使他们能够享受这样的乡村生活,并照应了引言中对乡村生活的满足。在整篇文章中,作者主要运用了“主题句+支撑句”的叙事方式。并运用了列举具体实例的方法。II I 核心词汇1.haul用法:vt.(1)(用 k 车、马车等)搬运:They hauled iheir goods i

11、nto ihe city.他们将货物拉进城去。(2)用力抱或拉(某物):In Laos,elephants are used to haul logs.在老挝,大象被用于拖运木材。n.(1)拖,拉,运送(2)(一大批)赃物,走私物品:The robbers,haul included a very valuable diamond ring.盗贼的赃物中有一枚价值不菲的钻戒。Police announced a drugs haul worth two million pounds.警方宣布截获了价值 2(X)万英镑的毒品。考点:haul sth.along/in/across典型考题:The

12、 farmers vegetables to the market on a truck every morning.A.haul B.pull C.drag D.tow答案为A o 译文:农民们每天将蔬菜运往市场。haul(用卡车、马车等)搬运;pull(在后面)拉动;drag拉动重物;tow(轻易地)拉动。记忆法:haulage n.(公路或铁路)货运业;(公路或铁路)货运费辨析:pull drag tow trail draw均指用力移动某物,尤指物在人后。pull用途最广。Pull the chair nearer to the fire.把那把椅子拉得离炉子近,些。drag指所拉者为

13、重物,通常在地面上移动,暗指较大的摩擦力o He dragged the heavy chest across the floor.他在地板上拉着沉重的箱子。haul指所拉者为重物,通常在地面上移动,常表示拖拉或提升某物,尤指用绳索:The fishermen were haulingtheir nets.渔民正在收网。tow 含不费力之意,主要指车辆:The ship needed Iwo tugs to low il into port.这艘船需要两艘拖船它拖进港。trail 指漫不经心地或无所谓地拖在后面:They may also trail their hands and arms

14、in the water when travellingin a boat.船在行驶是,他们把胳膊或手伸进水里。draw常用以指拉开、拉上甯子、窗帘等。Drawing the covers around her,Joan curled up in bed.琼拉过被子盖在身上,在床上蜷成一团。2.improvement用法:n.(1)改进,改善,改良:What they have done has caused a distinct improvement in working conditions.他们所做的使工作环境有了明显的改善。Theres been an improvement in

15、the children behavior.孩子们的行为举止确实有进步。Your English is much better but theres still room for improvement.你的英语比以前好多了,但还有改善的余地。(2)(改进某事物或提高其价值的)增加或修改:home improvement住宅装修a road improvement schedule 道路改善计划(3)改善之处:Power steering is just one of the improvements to be found in the new 160cc model.动力转向装置只是新16

16、0立方厘米型号的众多改良之一。考点:be an improvement o n 女 子 于,强于典型考题:Internet service providers should develop security services for their customers.A.progress B.improvement C.advancement D.enhancement答案为B 0 译文:网络服务器应该为顾客提高安全服务。progress进步:improvement改进,改善,改良;advancement 前进,先进;enhancement 增 强(优势)。记忆法:improve v t.改进,改善,改良引申:(词根)prove v.3.supplement用法:v t.补充;增补:I supplement my grant by working in the evenings.除了享受助学金外,我还打夜工以增加收入。Jean supplements her regular salary by tutoring in the evenings.简靠在晚上当家教来补贴固定薪水。n.(1)补


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