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1、统招专升本英语专家预测试卷9一、单选题1、一Do you think Joshua is the right person for this job?He is well-grounded in economic theory,but lacks inproduction management()A.devotionB.attitudeC.experienceD.energy2、By the middle of the 21st century,the vast majority ofthe worlds people in cities rather than in rural areas(

2、)A.are livingB.will be livingC.have livedD.will have lived3、He has a strong of duty()A.senseB.emotionC.passionD.thought4、He ran all the way home and arrived breath()A.full ofB.lacking ofC.short ofD.out of5、I you with the funds.Why didn,t you ask me()A.could have providedB.should have providedC.must

3、have providedD.ought to have provided6、Don,t come tomorrow;Id rather you next weekend()A.will comeB.cameC.to comeD.had come7、his telephone number,she didnt know how to get in touchwith him()A.Having forgottenB.To have forgottenC.ForgettingD.To forget8、Only in my thirties a purpose in life()A.did I f

4、indB.I did findC.I foundD.found I9、These are the pictures of the hotel we held our annualmeetings()A.whereB.whichC.thatD.when10、about it earlier,we could have warned people of the danger()A.Would we knowB.Should we knowC.Have we knownD.Had we known11、My secretary usually opens my post its marked pri

5、vate()A.forB.asC.unlessD.if12 You had better my telephone number before you forget it()A.write downB.clear outC.put asideD.skim over13、A little learning is a dangerous thing,the saying goes()A.thatB.asC.withD.if14、My aunts business has been doing poorly,but she,s hopingthat her will change()A.emotio

6、nB.luckC.dutyD.fame15、It was of you not to disturb these old people late at night()A.patientB.considerateC.deliberateD.modest16 The relationship between parents and their children astrong influence on the character of the children()A.to haveB.haveC.hasD.having17 Jason made sharp comments on Mary,s i

7、dea,but he didn,tmean her()A.to be hurtB.to hurtC.hurtD.hurting18、These apple trees,I planted three years ago,have notborne any fruit()A.whichB.thatC.whenD.what19、My question is he left or not()A.ifB.whetherC.thatD.when20、is not known yet()A.Whether we will go to the parkB.Although we will go to the

8、 parkC.Unless they come to see usD.No matter how hard the work is21、Space vehicles were launched into outer spacesearch ofanother living planet()A.toB.atC.inD.for22、Don,t remind me of that awful day;I such a fool of myself()A.will makeB.madeC.am makingD.make23 I did not notice that my dog was missin

9、g a moment ago()A.b e f oreB.untilC.toD.on24 The pia nist d id nt until the la st minute b e f ore thec onc e rt()A.turn upB.turn outC.turn of fD.turn on25、-I,m sorry a b out the misund e rsta nd ing.You a polog ize;it wa snt your f a ult()A.ne e d ntB.would ntC.c ould n,tD.mustnt26 Not only the stu

10、d e nts b ut a lso the te a c he r a g a inst thepla n()A.we reB.wa sC.b eD.a re27 Trains stop here in order to passengers()A.get offB.put upC.get onD.pick up28、When he awoke,he found himself by a stranger()A.looking afterB.being looked afterC.to be looked afterD.to look after29、I dont know the reas

11、on she looks unhappy today()A.asB.whyC.whichD.when30、he would ring me up()A.Had he cameB.If he will comeC.If he cameD.If he comes31、As a professor of English,he is not very chemical terms()A.grateful toB.familiar toC.grateful forD.fami1iar with32、The baby cant even sit up yet,walk!()A.don,t mentionB

12、.let aloneC.other thanD.rather than33 Who should be responsible the accident()A.atB.ofC.withD.for34、She is treated better than I was()A.manyB.muchC.moreD.little35、This information would be extremely for students who willtake a national examination in June()A.helpfulB.officialC.personalD.peaceful36、T

13、he taxi driver was accused overcharging customers()A.forB.withC.onD.of37、You cannot see the doctor you have made an appointmentwith him()A.exceptB.evenC.howeverD.unless38、It is reported the plane has been missing for more thanthirty days()A.thatB.whichC.whatD.as39、They are studying the Solar System,

14、s planet,Saturn,andits moons()A.second largestB.two largestC.largest secondD.largest two40、He had to quit the job his ill health()A.becauseB.asC.because ofD.as for41、Unfortunately,he didn,t to read the agreement carefullybefore signing it()A.botherB.disturbC.occurD.happen42、Companies usually a numbe

15、r of experiments before a newproduct is launched()A.practiceB.controlC.carryD.conduct43、If it had not rained yesterday,they work on time()A.would finishB.will finishC.would have finishedD.will have finished44、Only by telling the truth win the trust and support ofyour friends()A.you didB.you canC.did

16、 youD.can you45、I have read all the books you lent me()A.asB.whichC.whoD.that46、r d like to find someone I can discuss such a problem()A.whoB.whomC.with whomD.to whom47、There seemed to be no to their financial problems()A.methodB.functionC.decisionD.solution48、She was seen that theatre just now()A.enteredB.enterC.to enterD.to be entering49 another hour,I can also work out this problem()A.GivenB.GivingC.Having givenD.To give50、Its important for the figures regularly()A.to be updatedB.to have been


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